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Normalize audio

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  • Giorgio
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2006
    • 73

    Normalize audio

    Hello to everybody !!

    I have ripped all my cds on Flac format and I use Linn Akurate to listen my music.

    So I have a big library with all the tracks I like.

    Because the volume is so different on all the tracks, I would like to normalize all the tracks on this library without having any loss on the quality of the file (I like the music on the highest quality).

    My question is: what is the best program to use ? and what is the best settings for my use (listen at the same volum level various tracks ripped from several different cds).

    Do I have to make a copy of this library before I make any normalize or it is not necessary (is possible to go back to the original volume files ?)

    I wait your suggestions !!

    Thank youuuuuuuuuu :supersmil
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Normalize audio

    If you use AssetUPnP then it is fairly easy, run your collection through dBpoweramp (Batch Convert whole collection) >> [Replay Gain] codec (you can find in codec central above). Then set Asset to stream FLAC 'as Wav' with the ReplayGain options set (24 bit).


    • Giorgio
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2006
      • 73

      Re: Normalize audio

      Hello Spoon,

      I have all my music on my Nas and I'm not practic with AssetUPnP.

      Is there a way more easy to normalize these tracks without AssetUPnP?

      Concerning the 24 bit setting, it is ok also if the track is 16 bit ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Normalize audio

        You increase the bitdepth from 16 bit to 24 to counter the possible loss of audio quality if the volume is reduced in a track (normalization can turn the volume up or down).

        If you are not using asset you have to create a 2nd copy of your library then convert it >> FLAC >> FLAC (in new location) with the DSP effects 'Bit Depth to 24 bit' and 'Volume Normalize set to ReplayGain'


        • Giorgio
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2006
          • 73

          Re: Normalize audio

          Sorry Spoon,

          may be I understand now . . . AssetUPnP is it software like Songbook '11 ?

          If so I can use this instead of my Songbook and I have no more volume problems ?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Normalize audio

            Asset UPnP is the server:



            • Giorgio
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • May 2006
              • 73

              Re: Normalize audio

              So Spoon, ASSET should be a server on the web, while I have a Nas and I use Songbook to listen this music on the Nas. Am I right ?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44836

                Re: Normalize audio

                Asset is a server which either runs on your PC, or a special NAS (Windows Home Server based)


                • Giorgio
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • May 2006
                  • 73

                  Re: Normalize audio

                  Uhmm . . . so Asset is not hardware (like Nas or external disk) but the disk inside my pc can be used like a server if I use Asset . . . is it correct ?

                  Not easy, I'm trying to understand but I have difficulties . . .


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44836

                    Re: Normalize audio

                    Yes, but it can also be hardware:



                    • Giorgio
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • May 2006
                      • 73

                      Re: Normalize audio

                      Great Spoon !!!!!

                      That's music to my ears . . . finally I found a way more clear . . . . .

                      Last 2 questions:

                      - concerning the 24 bit setting it is ok this setting even if I have several 16 bit tracks and just few 24 bit ?
                      - concerning ipod or iphone does exist a way to normalize and listen my music on these devices ?

                      Thank youuuuu


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44836

                        Re: Normalize audio

                        Yes - plug player which is a UPnP controller and player


                        • Giorgio
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • May 2006
                          • 73

                          Re: Normalize audio

                          Hello Spoon !!

                          hope the map in my head is correct:

                          - I can use codec Replay Gain (that insert the information on the meta tag) to normalize my tracks
                          - I buy AssetNAS and AssetUPnP (which will support Replay Gain)

                          Now, do I have to continue to use Songbook 11 to listen to my devices Linn (I have Akurate, Magic and Sekrit) ? Or the Plug player that can work on iphone/ipod/ipad and support Replay Gain ?

                          Await your precious helppp, :smile2:


                          • Giorgio
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • May 2006
                            • 73

                            Re: Normalize audio

                            Hello Spoon !!

                            hope the map in my head is correct:

                            - I can use codec Replay Gain (that insert the information on the meta tag) to normalize my tracks
                            - I buy AssetNAS and AssetUPnP (which will support Replay Gain)

                            Now, do I have to continue to use Songbook 11 to listen to my devices Linn (I have Akurate, Magic and Sekrit) ? Or the Plug player that can work on iphone/ipod/ipad and support Replay Gain ?

                            And also, during my summer holidays if I'm not connected to any Nas but I have all the music saved on my Iphone, Replay Gain work on my Iphone or not ?

                            Await your very very precious helppp,


                            • Giorgio
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • May 2006
                              • 73

                              Re: Normalize audio

                              Hello To Everybody !!

                              I need your help . . . to my last message . . .

                              Thank youuu so much

