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No longer in context menu

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  • kangocartman

    • May 2011
    • 4

    No longer in context menu

    Hi all
    Been using dbpa for a while now without any problems but recently I updated to the latest 14.1 and started having issues with editing multiple IDtags and adding album art to multiple files. I was not able to retrieve the art from the internet at all.
    So I thought I'd reinstall dbpa and now I've lost the convert to and edit IDtags options in the context menu with explorer.
    Is there anything I have done as I have tried everything I know and I am stumped.
    Thanks in advance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44838

    Re: No longer in context menu

    Uninstall R14.1, reboot Windows, and reinstall (R14.2 beta in the beta section of this forum).


    • kangocartman

      • May 2011
      • 4

      Re: No longer in context menu

      Thanks for the prompt reply will give it a go tomorrow.


      • kangocartman

        • May 2011
        • 4

        Re: No longer in context menu

        I first installed 14.2 over 14.1 to keep it registered but it still never worked properly (wouldn't save album art even though it found them on internet). this also fixed the context menu issue.
        I then tried uninstalling then reinstalling 14.2 but I've lost the context menu again, and it says I have 21 days of the trial period.
        A bit frustrating as it used to work very well before.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44838

          Re: No longer in context menu

          > (wouldn't save album art even though it found them on internet)

          Neither R14.1 or R14.2 have any issues saving art, on a track where you have saved the art >> right click >> Edit ID Tags, does the art show?

          Please note that id3v2.4 tags are not supported (in mp3).


          • kangocartman

            • May 2011
            • 4

            Re: No longer in context menu

            Thanks for your help
            I've managed to get it back to how it was with the beta,(again able to add album art to multiple files)
            I have to say I now prefer mp3tag after seeing your link on this forum, but it's good to have both.
            Thanks again

