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How do I edit multiple id tags?

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  • agisthos

    • Aug 2009
    • 4

    How do I edit multiple id tags?

    I want to change the album art on some cd WAV rips.

    The 'Edit ID-Tag' function allows you to add and remove album art.

    The problem is it only allows you to do this one file at a time. If you highlight all tracks in the folder the album art feature disappears.

    Only album art has this problem. Editing other tags when selecting 'all files' seems to work fine.

    I have downloaded a few batch ID tag editors and so far they cannot handle or even remove the embedded art from the WAV's ripped with DB Poweramp.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

    R14 supports adding album art to multiple files (when selected >> rc >> edit id tags)


    • agisthos

      • Aug 2009
      • 4

      Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

      Great, I was using v13 and it does not do it.

      v14 is a big improvement in this aspoect. I like the way you can pull the album art from the local Folder.jpg file with a menu option.

      This mean not having to open a browser window and surf to the jpg location. This saved a considerable amount of time when updating the artwork on a few hundred cd's.

      That was forward thinking.


      • RichB

        • Apr 2011
        • 7

        Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

        Originally posted by Spoon
        R14 supports adding album art to multiple files (when selected >> rc >> edit id tags)
        I just purchased and installed R14.
        I have many ripped WAV files that I would like automatically set the tag information.

        How do I it?

        - Rich


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44836

          Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

          Only by ripping from a CD will dbpoweramp set the album art.


          • RichB

            • Apr 2011
            • 7

            Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

            Originally posted by Spoon
            Only by ripping from a CD will dbpoweramp set the album art.
            Oh well, that was one reason I bought it.

            Can any one suggest a product that can set the tags for files that are already ripped?




            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5934

              Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?

              Originally posted by RichB
              Oh well, that was one reason I bought it.

              Can any one suggest a product that can set the tags for files that are already ripped?


              you can add art to ripped files with mp3tag (yes, does flac too). It can also do certain automatic tag editing based on a few databases (but not as complete as dbpa databases). also consider album art downloader program:

              Download Album Art Downloader for free. The Album Art Downloader is a program designed to make life easier for anyone who wishes to find and update their album art for their music collection. The sources for the pictures can be defined by creating plugin scripts.

              edit. I just notice you use WAV files. Not sure about these as there is no standard tagging format. Of course wav files are probably a bad idea for lots of reasons given modern lossless codecs (e.g., FLAC). You can use dbpa to convert all the wav files to FLAC easily enough.


              • RichB

                • Apr 2011
                • 7

                Re: How do I edit multiple id tags?


                I will check them out.

                - Rich

