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...append to (not overwrite) ID tags

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  • garyd9

    • Jan 2011
    • 39

    ...append to (not overwrite) ID tags

    When using the replaygain(apply) or Volume Normalize (RG) to apply track level RG to a file, there's no ID tag or any other indicator in the resulting audio file that would indicate that this has been done.

    In the past, I've abused the "comment" field to append the string "replaygain track" there so I know what is going on. I'd like to automate that with power amp, and the ID Tag processing action seems like the perfect tool...

    The problem is that I can't figure out how to get that action to APPEND to the comment ID tag instead of overwriting it (in case I had some comment already there in the source FLAC file.)

    How do I append to (not overwrite) ID tags?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: ...append to (not overwrite) ID tags

    There is no option to append.

