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repaygain undo tags?

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  • garyd9

    • Jan 2011
    • 39

    repaygain undo tags?

    I just purchased dbPowerAmp reference in order to help re-rip my entire collection of CD's. The last time I did the entire collection at once, I ripped in EAC to WAV and encoded to mp3 using lame. At a later time, I discovered "mp3gain" and ran that on all my mp3's (choosing the track/album mode appropriate for the CD type.)

    Of all the "replaygain" solutions I've seen since then, I still prefer mp3gain for a single simple reason: It can modify the actual sound data (so no support required by any of my current or future players) but it does so in a reversible manner using "MP3GAIN_UNDO" tags. (I once accidently applied track replygain to mp3's of a live gapless CD and it was horrible. Thankfully, I could undo that and redo it with album gain instead.)

    I'm seeing that the replaygain DSP in dbPowerAmp does NOT support these undo tags when applying replaygain adjustments to the actual mp3 data. (Actually, based on re-running replaygain on a already processed mp3, it also seems to be applying the gain adjustments in a different way - not using the frame global gain which is limited to multiples of 1.5dB)

    Is there a way in poweramp to apply replaygain in the same way as is done with mp3gain (or even with foobar - which doesn't create the UNDO tags, but does use the frame global gain fields)?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: repaygain undo tags?

    It is not possible with dBpoweramp.

