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How can I use dbPoweramp to add album art to existing WAV rips?

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  • meaculpa

    • Jan 2011
    • 4

    How can I use dbPoweramp to add album art to existing WAV rips?

    I have ripped over a 1,000 CDs using dBpoweramp, and an very pleased with it. For some of the albums, the artwork was did not match my original CD or could not be found, but I just accepted this, as it would have taken forever to scan originals in.

    No using R14, you now have the brilliant "Choose Art" button which allows you to use images from the internet as well as those found by dBpoweramp from freedb, GD3 etc.

    Is it possible to use dBpoweamp to "point" to my ripped WAV's I have already and review each album, which would then allow me to use the "Choose Art" button to change or add any missing album art?

    I don't really want to have to re-rip all the CD's I have already done!

    Many thanks in advance.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How can I use dbPoweramp to add album art to existing WAV rips?

    Use windows explorer, select an album of files, right click on one >> Edit Tags >> Add Album Art >> Choose From Internet.

