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-Reset my windows explorer

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  • unhappy_user

    • Oct 2010
    • 2

    -Reset my windows explorer

    I downloaded the trial of poweramp, and although the program itself worked swimmingly, I am less than pleased with its side effects on my computer.

    By default, it automatically took over the display of information about mp3 files I had. hovering over them displayed a large box full of information I don't need, nor care to see. Also, my details pane (the box at the bottom of vista/7 windows) also had unneeded information added to the list of things displayed. Consequently, now half of the items I am used to seeing don't even show up anymore because the items added by poweramp take up the whole box (info such as conductor, mood, composer, sample rate, etc...various things that were hidden or not appearing by default before poweramp was installed)

    unchecked all the options giving poweramp control of my explorer and now the context menus are gone when right-clicking files (that never bothered me much though), and the huge box of information that appears on hovering over items is gone...except now the box that appears on hover is not the one that appeared before installing poweramp, it doesnt even show info in the tag data of mp3s like it used to, just file name and size. also my details pane remains filled with, what I consider, junk information. Poweramp has been uninstalled for two days now and so far I have not been able to find a solution which will reset my details pane or fix the hover box. The fact that even after uninstalling and using the exe file in the FAQ section to remove poweramp, my computer is still modified to something I don't want just because a developer thought it would be okay to default options which change how your computer behaves without first giving the user even a heads up about it.

    it may not seem like much to you, but making options, which are unnecessary to the function of the program, that modify the os itself defaulted to on has turned me off from even considering getting a liscense. i'd much rather find another program.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: -Reset my windows explorer

    On uninstall we restore the previous popup information, which would be Windows default.


    • unhappy_user

      • Oct 2010
      • 2

      Re: -Reset my windows explorer

      as i meantioned, it did reset. not to what it was before poweramp was installed, but yes, back to windows default as you stated.


      • sidollie

        • May 2011
        • 1

        Re: -Reset my windows explorer

        Hi, I wish I'd read this and not just the web reviews before installing R14.1.

        I installed it because I wanted an easier way to manage tags for my music files. I first struggled with the getpopupinfo.exe swallowing CPU and only through trawling the web and falling on this site did I manage to stop it.

        I thought the easiest thing to do was uninstall, which I did cleanly. Rebooted only to find that when I right click in Explorer (I'm using W7 32 bit Home Premium) my properties/details tab is blank, leaving me the message "detailed information is unavailable for the selected files".

        The only way I've found to get this back is to reinstall dbpa. Not what I want. I could edit before installing. Now I can't once I've uninstalled it.

        I want the ability to edit MP3 tags back please. How do I do it?

        One very unhappy trialist who will not be buying dbpoweramp.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44836

          Re: -Reset my windows explorer

          Possible bug noted.


          • Southernman

            • May 2011
            • 6

            Re: -Reset my windows explorer

            I am having similar problems. My setup is Win 7 ultimate 64 bit. After deleting a trial of PowerAmp I could not see any tags in music that had been ripped afterwards (using EAC). Did a rollback (which reinstalled PA) and now I can add album and artist but no longer edit track titles. It looks like PA has done something nasty to the registry. Has anyone found a solution to this? Oh yes, and WMC has started behaving really oddly, looked up an album I had just tagged, and watched in dismay as first the tracks, and then the group name just disappeared. Went back to Windows explorer, and the group and album names are still there. What's going on - any ideas? :vmad:


            • dbfan
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Jan 2011
              • 937

              Re: -Reset my windows explorer

              Which file format is this for? mp3?


              • Southernman

                • May 2011
                • 6

                Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                Hi, It's .wav on the local machine, .flac on the server (archive). Problems with both.


                • dbfan
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Jan 2011
                  • 937

                  Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                  With out dbpoweramp you are not going to be able to have window tag these formats, as windows does not support them


                  • Southernman

                    • May 2011
                    • 6

                    Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                    Hi and thanks for your reply. Before I installed poweramp, EAC was doing the tagging very nicely, thank you. Post PA, these settings have effectively been hijacked. This may not be strictly illegal, but it is certainly slack coding imho.


                    • dbfan
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Jan 2011
                      • 937

                      Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                      EAC does no integration with windows, it would not provide tagging within explorer


                      • Southernman

                        • May 2011
                        • 6

                        Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                        You're correct in that. However, EAC tags are no longer visible in flac files now, and they were previously. My point is that removing PA has not restored the previous settings that existed prior to installing it. Short of reinstalling Windows, it seems that my only solution is to buy the full version of PA. Would you agree with that statement?


                        • dbfan
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Jan 2011
                          • 937

                          Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                          Explain 'Eac tags are no longer visible in flac files', visible in which program?


                          • Southernman

                            • May 2011
                            • 6

                            Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                            The Songbird (media player), which can still see tags on flac files which were created before I used PA, cannot see the ones created after PA. I cannot see why this should be the case. Any ideas?


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44836

                              Re: -Reset my windows explorer

                              I think it is unfair to blame dbpoweramp for effecting Songbird and EAC, these are separate programs.

