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Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

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  • Corvid5

    • Sep 2010
    • 2

    Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

    Hello all.
    Bought Ref14 and am learning the ins and outs but just noticed a major (4me)
    annoyance. I have a large number of mp4 vids and the thumbnail preview does not show on 90% of them with the full paid version installed. I tried associating
    (default/open with) the files with VLC, winamp, etc and the thumbnails just will not show.
    Suspecting it was dbp I uninstalled the dbp suite and sure enough, before I'd even rebooted, back came my previews. Before I reinstall I want to know, can I fix this? I need the thumbnails as it's much easier to find clips visually. Is there a config area for this? Serious, I'll have to call it 50 down the tube if I can't get the prog to play nice with my thumbnails.

    dBpoweramp-R14-Ref-Registered on a i7 windows 7 64 bit home pro os.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

    dBpoweramp Configuration >> Music Converter tab and uncheck Thumbnail provider


    • Tig

      • Jan 2010
      • 17

      Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

      I've noticed this problem too, but with WMV video files. If I have the "thumbnail provider" checked under the music converter tab in dbPoweramp Configuration, Vista will no longer generate thumbnails for WMV video files. Once I uncheck it, the problem is solved and the thumbnails for WMV are generated. I spent 3-4 hours trying to troubleshoot this before finally thinking to check the forums here to see if maybe dbPoweramp Ref 14 was involved.

      Spoon, might I suggest that in the next minor version update of dbPoweramp that it allow the user to configure which file types they'd like dbPoweramp to handle for thumbnails? That would be very helpful. Or else allow dbPoweramp's handling of thumbnails to not interfere with Vista's normal thumbnail generation? That would be great.

      I'm using Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit.
      Last edited by Tig; October 27, 2010, 05:29 AM. Reason: Added info


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

        It is planned for R14.1 that for wmv files and others (such as .mp4) that it does not install for those.


        • Carbon6

          • Oct 2010
          • 1

          Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

          Originally posted by Spoon
          It is planned for R14.1 that for wmv files and others (such as .mp4) that it does not install for those.
          Good news, its something that has been bugging me a lot....

          erm, do you have a ETA on that?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

            Couple of months before a beta test.


            • pfeerick

              • May 2008
              • 15

              Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

              Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I would also like to request that handling of mpg files also be disabled, as I lost thumbnails for all my MPEG 2 files when installing R14 Reference in Windows 7 Professional. The duration was reported wrong also... i.e. 17 hours 59 minutes instead of 42 min 18 sec.

              Can also confirm that unticking 'Thumbnail and Property Handler (Vista and newer)' under Windows Explorer Integration gives mpgs thumbnails again, and the length column now reports the correct durations, but the dbPoweramp tooltip still reports the wrong duration.
              Last edited by pfeerick; March 18, 2011, 08:56 AM. Reason: Fixed typo


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44836

                Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                R14.1 which is in beta has corrected this.


                • pfeerick

                  • May 2008
                  • 15

                  Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                  Thanks for the quick reply. I can confirm that R14.1 beta has corrected this issue for me after excluding the mpg and mpeg filetypes.

                  I did spot the beta just after posting my previous comment, but couldn't restart to complete the installation until later on that night. Didn't seem to work at first try, but after the requested restart, all was well.


                  • Makaveli84

                    • Apr 2011
                    • 19

                    Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                    Because of this thumbnails conflict issue, i finally caved in and installed BETA 14.1 and i must admit it works like a charm (til now). I was having problems with mpg, wmv, and mp4 thumbs. In version 14, i had to disable thumbnail and property handler for all types, thus losing effective metadata and bitrate handling in windows explorer (i'm running Vista SP2).
                    But i am intrigued on how to have fixed it in version 14. I tried removing/adding the following reg key for certain types, but it didn't work:


                    That key was the only noticeable change in the .mp4 registry field when i disabled thumbnails in vrs. 14. Was a restart needed or what? In case i'd want to revert back to vrs. 14, i would like to know how to manually fix this issue for individual file types.

                    Last edited by Makaveli84; April 30, 2011, 04:46 PM.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44836

                      Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                      R14.1 is now released fully.


                      • Makaveli84

                        • Apr 2011
                        • 19

                        Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                        Ok, all (almost) is well now.
                        I say almost because there are 2 quirks remaining:

                        1. This has to do directly with version 14.1, where now the configuration tool (dbConfig.exe) takes around 10 seconds to load. I'm pretty sure that this is 14.1 specific as i don't have this problem with any other app. on my PC and never had it with version 14. This is true for the beta release installed over version 14 as well as for a clean install of 14.1.

                        2. This is a remark about a somewhat undesirable behavior of the configuration tool that was also present in version 14. It seems that whenever the configuration tool is launched, a full registry settings save is in order, whether one cancels/closes the tool or presses the OK button. This is problematic on 2 levels:

                        a) Most importantly, settings should not be written if one cancels configuration. This can be specifically frustrating in the case of custom user settings having been applied directly into the registry, in which case they will be reset to the apps default (e.g: custom selection and order of fields that show in the details pane of Vista and Win7).

                        b) Second problem is that default settings that cannot be changed through the config. tool's interface (again, such as the fields of the details pane) should not be reset to default even when the user presses the OK button. I would rather suggest a "Reset Defaults" button that will do that for all settings (even ones that cannot be changed from the UI).



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44836

                          Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                          R14.1 does nothing on a Cancel.


                          • Makaveli84

                            • Apr 2011
                            • 19

                            Re: Video thumbnails don't show with ref installed

                            That's right, Cancel exits with no saving.. It's the "X" close button that still saves settings in 14.1... No biggie anyway!
                            Last edited by Makaveli84; May 03, 2011, 08:04 PM.

