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How do I manage silence gaps with dbpoweramp

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  • Livcio

    • Aug 2010
    • 2

    How do I manage silence gaps with dbpoweramp


    I am new with this forum and have the following 'basics' but quite annoying question I wasn't able to answer by inspecting the dbpoweramp doc-pages.

    I have migrated from PlexTools Professional to DBPowerAmp, mainly because I was intrigued that the Plextor software was not able to detect the correct offset of the own Plextor drive and also due to bad meta-data support; I am happy with the decision.

    Anyway, with PlexTools there was a configuration option related to HOW TO TREAT silence GAPS when ripping the CD (I ripped piecewise in .WAV files). I used PRE-GAP option which means that the silence gap gets read from the CD EXCTLY as it is and than gets probably appended at the start of the musical piece. The reason I chosen this option is because it allowed me to create .WAV files that when burned-back to the CDR delivered THE SAME silence gap 'picture' as in the original CD -IMPORTANT!!: THIS IS ACTUALLY MY GOAL!)

    Although I read some of the DBpowerAmp DSP features, I was not able to understand how such a state of affairs can be reached and more importantly, i was not able to understand the 'default behaviour' of dbpoweramp with respect to silence gaps when ripping piecewise (.flac or .wav) from a CD.

    I would appreciate any hint and would like to say 'many thanks' in advance.

  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5934

    Re: How do I manage silence gaps with dbpoweramp

    Originally posted by Livcio

    I am new with this forum and have the following 'basics' but quite annoying question I wasn't able to answer by inspecting the dbpoweramp doc-pages.

    I have migrated from PlexTools Professional to DBPowerAmp, mainly because I was intrigued that the Plextor software was not able to detect the correct offset of the own Plextor drive and also due to bad meta-data support; I am happy with the decision.

    Anyway, with PlexTools there was a configuration option related to HOW TO TREAT silence GAPS when ripping the CD (I ripped piecewise in .WAV files). I used PRE-GAP option which means that the silence gap gets read from the CD EXCTLY as it is and than gets probably appended at the start of the musical piece. The reason I chosen this option is because it allowed me to create .WAV files that when burned-back to the CDR delivered THE SAME silence gap 'picture' as in the original CD -IMPORTANT!!: THIS IS ACTUALLY MY GOAL!)

    Although I read some of the DBpowerAmp DSP features, I was not able to understand how such a state of affairs can be reached and more importantly, i was not able to understand the 'default behaviour' of dbpoweramp with respect to silence gaps when ripping piecewise (.flac or .wav) from a CD.

    I would appreciate any hint and would like to say 'many thanks' in advance.

    gaps added to end of previous song. but from this you can still create the exact CDs as you desire. Best to just leave this at the dbpa default. If i rip a cd to FLAC with dbpa, gaps added to the end of prior song, I can then burn these FLACs back to CDR and they play just like the original album. If you want anything different than this, you should perhaps wait for cue sheet support. I don't think too hard about this stuff, as once ripped, I NEVER want to have the song back on a physical CD again.
    Last edited by garym; August 21, 2010, 03:43 PM.


    • Livcio

      • Aug 2010
      • 2

      Re: How do I manage silence gaps with dbpoweramp

      I understand, thnaks a lot!!

      Which means that when playing the album as "the sequence of ripped .FLAC files" via a computer-based audio-chain, it will preserve also the original "CD-picture" with respect to gaps, right ?


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5934

        Re: How do I manage silence gaps with dbpoweramp

        Originally posted by Livcio
        I understand, thnaks a lot!!

        Which means that when playing the album as "the sequence of ripped .FLAC files" via a computer-based audio-chain, it will preserve also the original "CD-picture" with respect to gaps, right ?
        correct. if there were gaps, they will still be there. If there were no gaps (pink floyd dark side of the moon, for example) there will be NO gaps. It will be just like listening to the CD itself.

        Now of course this all assumes your PLAYER that is playing the FLAC files can deal correctly with gaps. Some old mp3 players didn't deal with gaps correctly. Even the ipod didn't get the ability to deal with gaps until the last couple of years.

