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Problems editing ID Tags

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  • ripple33

    • Jan 2010
    • 8

    Problems editing ID Tags

    Some MP3 files do not allow me to edit the ID tag. I can go into the edit ID and type what I want but when I click OK at the bottom it reverts back to the original ID. I have no problem editing some IDs but others continue to revert back to original after edit. Please help. Thanks
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Problems editing ID Tags

    Do those files have an id3v2.4 tag also?


    • ripple33

      • Jan 2010
      • 8

      Re: Problems editing ID Tags

      One of them has id3v2.3 (ANSI) + id3v1.1. I dont know what this means but I cant edit this file without it reverting back to original


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Problems editing ID Tags

        Try the Update ID Tag utility codec, this remove the tags from the file and rewrites them.


        • ripple33

          • Jan 2010
          • 8

          Re: Problems editing ID Tags

          Tried this but still does not work.


          • GeorgeButel

            • Aug 2005
            • 42

            Re: Problems editing ID Tags

            It may be a Windows problem. With Vista and Win7 both, I can edit tags with the context menu shortcut, or even via the edit ID tag on the properties menu tab, and edit away, and then 30 or 40 minutes later, they will have all reverted. I have even had it revert the file name back, along with the id tag, when I changed the file name. Sometimes a file that is read-only will SEEM to let you edit, and then revert later. I suspect that files can be defacto "read only" without you seeing read only checked on the properties tab. I would suggest, regardless of whether it shows read only or not, make it read only, then uncheck read only, apply, and okay it. Then make the changes you want, and immediately make it read only. If you make it read only at that point and it changes, it has to be an administrator problem. Regardless of how you are logged on or what permissions you THINK you have, Windows may be trying to protect you. You know how annoying Windows can be--"access denied." Be careful about the attributes of the folder that it is inside of also. Sometimes Windows seems to take a while to catch up with what it is supposed to do. If, at some time, you have made the folder itself (or even the drive) read only, and have checked "apply changes to this folder, subfolder and files," Windows will forget, temporarily, and appear to let you change what you want, only to revert it later. When you get through editing, make everything in the folder itself read only, and cycle through read only and unchecking read only for the folder. If it continues to either not let you edit or else it reverts what you do, try logging on as admin. You might even consider taking ownership of the folder (try it with just the file first). You might consider running a full check disk also (check both boxes on the check disk gui), to make sure that all your files have consistent security descriptors.
            Last edited by GeorgeButel; August 11, 2011, 07:47 AM. Reason: clarification

