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How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

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  • Analytic

    • Apr 2010
    • 14

    How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

    I use XYplorer instead of Explorer but the dbPowerAmp (Ref 13.4) extensions to the Explorer context menu and properties dialog tabs don't appear for me when from within XYplorer. I'm told it's because I'm running Win 7 Pro 64-bit and my dbPowerAmp install didn't install the 32-bit versions of these extensions, only the 64-bit ones. (XYplorer is a 32-bit app.) Other context-menu extensions (like those for WinZip) work fine through XYplorer.

    Does anybody know how I can get dbPowerAmp to install both the 32-bit AND 64-bit context menu & property tab extensions?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

    It is not possible to have both 32bit and 64 bit as they are registered with the system, you should try to get a 64 bit version of XYExplorer.


    • Analytic

      • Apr 2010
      • 14

      Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

      Hmm.. maybe my statement of the problem was incorrect. The fact is this: I can see context menu items for other applications from within 32-bit XYplorer (such as Winamp, WinZip, ACDSee, Creative Element Powertools etc.) just fine. It's the context menu items for dbPowerAmp that aren't showing up - namely Edit ID-Tag and Convert To when selecting an mp3 file.

      In short, the problem seems to dbPoweramp, not XYplorer. Note that for some reason, I CAN see one context menu item - dbPoweramp Batch Convert when clicking right on a folder.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

        The other programs integrate with Explorer in a simple command line method, dBpoweramp does it differently, ie a full shell integration using DLLs not call backs to programs. For example select 10,000 files and try to play in Winamp, it would not work (probabbly launch 10,000 winamps...), in dbpoweramp it does work.


        • Analytic

          • Apr 2010
          • 14

          Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

          From what I can see, some of these other applications are installing DLL handlers as well. When I select multiple files and use the WinZip or WinRAR extract menu item, only one process starts to extract from all the zips sequentially. Selecting multiple files for Winamp enqueing doesn't launch multiple Winamps.

          The registry entries in HKLM\Software\Classes\*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandler s also show DLLs:
          WINRAR p:\tools\winrar\rarext.dll
          WINAR32 p:\tools\winrar\rarext32.dll
          WinZip p:\tools\winzip\wzshls64.dll
          WinZip p:\tools\winzip\wzshlstb.dll

          Finally look at this FAQ from XYplorer support about this problem:

          I'm on 64-bit Windows and certain items are missing from the shell context menu. Why?

          On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit applications only show 32-bit extensions, and 64-bit applications only show 64-bit extensions.

          A 64-bit application that installs shell extensions should also install the 32-bit versions, but this is sometimes not done. So if a program installs only 64-bit shell extensions they will not show up in 32-bit applications like XYplorer.

          Workaround: Often this can be fixed by installing the 32-bit version of the application "side-by-side" with the 64-bit version


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

            It is not possible to have 32 bit and 64 bit side by side (in our implementation), as they are registered com objects (the 32 and 64 dll are identical as far as the OS is concerned, with the difference being the compile). It is a moot point, in that for 64 bit windows Microsoft would not recommend that 32 bit DLLs be installed. It is possible for you to replace the dbpoweramp dlls manually from a 32 bit install.


            • Analytic

              • Apr 2010
              • 14

              Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

              Ok, I guess I can get the 32-bit DLL's from my old XP notebook. Could just list exactly which DLL's I have to copy over, where I have to copy them to and how I would I register them on my Win 7 box? Thanks



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44836

                Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?



                • rupa

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 7

                  Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                  Originally posted by Analytic
                  Ok, I guess I can get the 32-bit DLL's from my old XP notebook. Could just list exactly which DLL's I have to copy over, where I have to copy them to and how I would I register them on my Win 7 box? Thanks

                  Jerry, were you ever able to get xyplorer to show the dbpoweramp context menus on 64bit windows?


                  • Analytic

                    • Apr 2010
                    • 14

                    Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                    NO, I COULD NOT GET THIS TO WORK! :( I finally got around to trying it. I just upgraded to Ref Version 14 and copied over the dMCScripting.dll from my 32-bit XP machine to the dbPoweramp directory (replacing the 64-bit version that was there) and rebooted my Win64 machine. My 32-bit XYplorer and Everything applications still do not show the Convert To item in the context menu and there are no dbPoweramp property sheets in the properties dialog when I right-click on a mp3 of other music file.

                    This is a pain in the ass. What do I have to do to make this work? And I shouldn't have to install on an XP box just to get the 32-bit dlls. They should be made available in a subdirectory somewhere in the 64-bit installation.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44836

                      Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                      As you have a 64 bit OS, dBpoweramp is in the right to install 64 bit versions of the shell DLLs, you aim should be to get a 64 bit version of XY explorer.


                      • Analytic

                        • Apr 2010
                        • 14

                        Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                        As you have a 64 bit OS, dBpoweramp is in the right to install 64 bit versions of the shell DLLs, you aim should be to get a 64 bit version of XY explorer.
                        Except... We are talking Windows here. Windows 7 64-bit runs both 32-bit and 64-bit apps. Many, if not most, applications are still only available as 32-bit. I have no control over XYPlorer's and Everything development agenda though I do participate in feedback at their forums. Converting to 64-bit is usually not a priority with many apps developers.

                        Is there no way to get this to work, even with the 32-bit DLL's in hand? Do I have to do something more with them just copy over the 64-bit version of dMCScripting.dll, because that's not working.

                        I use other applications that install context menu items and their entries show up with no problem in XYPlorer. If I could at least get the Convert To to show up, that would help tremendously. I understand the ID Tag property sheet could be a different matter, but I use MP3Tag or TagRename anyway for most of that work.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44836

                          Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                          COM Objects are very complex on how they register, etc - we can offer no support on installing 32 bit OLE shell objects into a 64 bit Windows (not even sure if they would work at all).


                          • Analytic

                            • Apr 2010
                            • 14

                            Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                            The lack of sufficient dbPoweramp technical support on this issue notwithstanding, and for the benefit of others who might come across this posting in the future in hope of a solution -- I have figured out how to do this. For those others who need this fix, please urge Spoon and the rest of dbPoweramp technical support to at least make available the 32-bit versions of the DLLs mentioned below either on the web site or in a reference subdirectory in the 64-bit installation. Otherwise, you need to install the 32-bit version on Windows XP somewhere and copy the files over.

                            After digging around the Windows registry and monitoring the registry and file accesses made by the XYPlorer and dbPowerAmp GetPopupInfo processes, I discovered that the key DLLs involved are dMCShell and dBShell.dll, and NOT dMCScripting.dll.

                            The solution requires both changes to the Windows registry and copying over of the 32-bit versions of the 2 relevant dbPoweramp dlls. The steps below show how to make the necessary changes to enable the Convert To, Edit ID-Tag context menu items and the Audio Properties and ID-Tag property sheets for any 32-bit application under Windows 7 64-bit Professional. (I'm assuming this goes for any 32-bit app since the changes worked for both XYplorer and Everything.exe). In addition, I indicate how to enable to the popup info tooltip though this only works for XYplorer and similarly-enabled applications.

                            [COLOR="red"]NOTE: The step for enabling the Edit ID-Tag context menu item will cause both context-menu items AND the property sheet functions to no longer work in 64-bit Windows Explorer. So I've broken that out into a separate step (see STEP C). [/COLOR] Since you can also edit the id-tag through the property sheet without affecting 64-bit Windows Explorer, this change is optional.

                            [COLOR="navy"]STEP A. To Enable the Convert To Context-Menu Item and the Audio Properties and ID-Tag property sheets [/COLOR]
                            • Obtain the 32-bit dMCShell.dll, rename it dMCShell_32bit.dll and copy it into the dbPoweramp directory.
                            • Run regedit and export out ALL of the following key to a file:
                            • Edit the file and globally change [SIZE="2"]CLSID [/SIZE]to [SIZE="2"]Wow6432Node\CLSID[/SIZE]
                            • In the data for InprocServer32, change the name of dMCShell.dll to dMCShell_32bit.dll
                            • Merge the file into the registry

                            Below is the entry for this key in my edited registry file, with the changes shown in bold
                            [SIZE="1"]Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
                            @="dMCIShell Class"





                            After merging, you do NOT need to reboot or restart the 32-bit app. (At least not for XYPlorer or Everything.exe)

                            [COLOR="navy"]STEP B. To Enable the Popup Info Tooltip in XYPlorer [/COLOR]
                            • Obtain the 32-bit dBShell.dll, rename it to dBShell_32bit.dll and copy it into the dbPoweramp directory.
                            • Run regedit and export out ALL of the following key to a file:
                            • Edit the file and globally change [SIZE="2"]CLSID [/SIZE]to [SIZE="2"]Wow6432Node\CLSID[/SIZE]
                            • In the data for InprocServer32, change the name of dBShell.dll to dBShell_32bit.dll
                            • Merge the file into the registry
                            • In XYplorer, you need to check OFF the following settings in the File Info Tips panel of the configuration:
                              Show MP3 info tips
                              Show info tips only when hovering file icon
                              Show custom file info tips

                            Below is the entry for this key in my edited registry file, with the changes shown in bold
                            Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

                            @="dBpShell Class"





                            After merging, you do NOT need to reboot or restart XYplorer.

                            [COLOR="navy"]OPTIONAL STEP C. To Enable the Edit ID-Tag Context-Menu Item [/COLOR]
                            [COLOR="Red"]This change will break all the dbPoweramp context-menu and property sheet functions in 64-bit Windows Explorer[/COLOR]. You also need close any Explorer windows before making the change.
                            • Obtain the 32-bit dBShell.dll, and replace the 64-bit version with it in the dbPoweramp directory.

                            The reason for this change is that there doesn't seem to be a way to have GetPopupInfo.exe load the dll from a different place. In STEP B above, XYplorer obtains the location of the dll through the registry entry we added. But GetPopupInfo doesn't seem to look for this key.
                            You do NOT need to reboot or restart the 32-bit app.
                            Last edited by Analytic; October 13, 2010, 11:04 AM. Reason: Added advisory that STEP C will also break the other functions in 64-bit Explorer


                            • svyr

                              • Jun 2008
                              • 20

                              Re: How to see 32-bit context menu and property dialog extensions on 64-bit Win 7?

                              Originally posted by Analytic
                              overquoted text deleted

                              Thanks very much, but could someone please post the 2x32 bit dlls described :( ? (short of installing the winxp 32b WM I can't really think of a way to get them, and that's a bit too annoying)
                              Last edited by svyr; February 28, 2011, 10:15 AM.

