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How do I tag multi-disc sets?

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  • bethny

    • Mar 2010
    • 3

    How do I tag multi-disc sets?

    I am brand-new to dbpoweramp, and the first cds I tried to rip are a multi-disc set (5 cds) without any metadata. I am ripping to FLAC, and had previously used EAC without many problems.

    I filled in the "1/5" info and everything appeared to rip OK. When I loaded disc 2/5, the artist and album name had disappeared. I don't remember this happening with EAC. Am I required to enter the artist and album info over again for each of the 5 discs? (remember, there's no metadata)

    Also, even though I filled in "2/5," the program seemed to see duplicate file names (even though the tracks were different on disc 2) and asked me if I wanted to overwrite.

    This *has* to be much easier and I must be missing something, but I'm at a loss. Please help (remember I'm a total newbie and need clear directions). I tried reading and following the configurations instructions, but as I said, I must be missing something obvious.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How do I tag multi-disc sets?

    Each disc would require you to re-enter the metadata as as far as CD Ripper is concerned the discs are not related on inserting them.


    • bethny

      • Mar 2010
      • 3

      Re: How do I tag multi-disc sets?

      OK, but why doesn't the program use the disc "2/5" information which I fill in, in naming the ripped file? I would expect it to say "[name of album] disc 2" but instead I also have to write in "disc 2" myself in the album name field. Is this the way it is supposed to function?

      I'm also wondering about the options-metadata default setting: [album], Disc [discnum]

      What exactly does this accomplish?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44835

        Re: How do I tag multi-disc sets?

        This puts the disc number at the end of the album name.

        You can have disc number if you add it to the filename naming string.


        • bethny

          • Mar 2010
          • 3

          Re: How do I tag multi-disc sets?

          For some reason, my default setting for naming does *not* include the disc number. Can someone please take pity on me and tell me exactly how the naming string should appear if I want the disc number where I have multi-disc sets? This program either offers to overwrite tracks on disc 1 or ignores them entirely when a track by the same name appears on disc 2 (for example, "introduction")

          I'm assuming that having the disc number in the naming string will prevent that problem.

          The default naming string *appears* to say it will list album number for multi-disc sets, but for some reason I cannot get this to work for data I am entering. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the default naming string in my program, or if I am doing something wrong (although I can't imagine what).

          Could someone tell me how the default naming string should read -- including all the other default options including those for compilations -- if I want a multi-disc set to list the disc number in the file name?

          Any help would be appreciated. I'm about to throw up my hands in frustration and go back to using EAC, where at least I could understand the file naming conventions.

          NOTE: As you can probably tell, I am not a programmer.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44835

            Re: How do I tag multi-disc sets?

            Add [disc] near to the end (before [track] and [title])

            The default button restores the naming string to what it should be, but for multi-album discs with the same album title, unless you have the option to put disc number into the album name then you should put disc in the filename.

