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How do I batch edit track, disc and year tags

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  • ceaks

    • Nov 2009
    • 13

    How do I batch edit track, disc and year tags

    After ripping (using dbpoweramp Ref) the bulk of these 20,000 songs a year ago, I am seeing problems with my tags. I would like to make the following changes (see examples below):

    Track 1/12 to 01
    Track 1 to 01
    Disc 1/1 to 1
    Year 2006/01/01 to 2006
    Album Artist Kings of Leon; Kings of Leon to Kings of Leon

    I don't see how do do a "batch" edit in dbpoweramp. If dbpoweramp can't do it, do you know of any tag editors that can? Tag&Rename should be able to do the track change but unfortunately it reads the tag as "1" and not "1/12" as 'Edit ID-Tag' sees it.

    How this happened I don't know. I had checked:
    Track number without Track Count
    Pad Track number to two digits
    Disc Number without Disc Count
    Force No Date on Year

    The 'Album Artist" is a real mystery. Sometimes on 1 CD some songs have the double name and some have only a single name; sometimes all of the songs have a double 'album artist' entry; and most have the correct single "album Artist' entry.
    Thanks for any help. I have spent a full day and only got through 200 out of 2000 cds. If I can't automate this task, I am in trouble.
    Last edited by ceaks; February 28, 2010, 11:42 AM. Reason: Add a comment
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: How do I batch edit track, disc and year tags

    >Album Artist Kings of Leon; Kings of Leon to Kings of Leon

    Install R13.4 (beta section of this forum) and run [ID Tag Update] on all your tracks.

    T&R cannot see the 1/xx because for FLAC it is saved as an additional ID Tag.

