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Tag From Filename

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  • romeboy

    • Nov 2002
    • 31

    Tag From Filename

    Using the Tag From Filename program since I was a young lad. <g> Recently updated my system to Windows 7, and added a couple of new drives to use for my audio files. As I go through moving them, I am finding some Folder names I need to change, and also some of the filenames. Which leads to changing the artust name on the tags of the mp3 files. In the past I used the utility to rename the tags from the filename, all without a problem. Now, when I run the program it does not change the Artist name, but puts a new data line with 'artist: with the artist name'. Leaving the original like it was. Nothing I have tried has put the program back in the previous state. Is Win7, or has the Tag From Filename utility been changed?
  • romeboy

    • Nov 2002
    • 31

    Re: Tag From Filename

    OK. Now one of you real smart people tell me what is going on. All I did was erase the [artist]_[title] instruction, and type in back in (just like it was) in the Tag program, and it worked. The wall here next to my desk has a dent in it from where I have been beating my head. This ain't fair. <g>

