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How do I add additional tag elements in drop down menu

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  • petercolon

    • Aug 2009
    • 2

    How do I add additional tag elements in drop down menu

    When I right click a file and go to Edit ID-Tag, I always find myself having to use the ADD button on the bottom to manually type in tag elements that I use with all my ID-Tagging (BPM, Key, Keycode and Catalog *blooper*), Can someone tell me if there is a way to add additional tag elements to the drop down menu so that they will be listed in the drop down menu permanently so that I can just click on the new tag element to add it to my tags and not have to manually type it in. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How do I add additional tag elements in drop down menu

    I do not think you can.


    • petercolon

      • Aug 2009
      • 2

      Re: How do I add additional tag elements in drop down menu

      That's too bad. That feature would have been nice to have.

