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Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

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  • HeiDO

    • Jun 2009
    • 6

    Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

    I'm a noob at this. I've started ripping to FLAC and I'm using MediaMonkey for library managment. I've run across the same problem a lot of people seem to have: dBPA ratings for FLAC are 1-5, MM uses 1-100, so all ratings turn into "bombs" in MM.

    Is there a configuration option that allows the ratings to be "scaled" at time of rip? Input the max value and have all the ratings scaled to that value? I can't find anything in Configuration or Encoder areas.

    Alternatively, can I use the ID Tag Processing DSP to achieve this? If so, can anybody point me in the general direction of how I would go about this?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

    There is no standard for Rating in FLAC, a 3rd program would be different again... (there is no scale factor for FLAC ratings)


    • HeiDO

      • Jun 2009
      • 6

      Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

      OK, yo comprendez, but:
      1. No way to use the ID Tag Processing?
      2. If the FLAC encoder tab had a "Rating Scale Max" field, couldn't dBPA multiply the ratings by the scale factor so that the user would at least get good ratings for the player of their choice?

      PS: Impressive response time and coverage! And nice program!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44836

        Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

        It is not that simple, as I have said another program (perhaps foobar) might store as a different tag value, so until it becomes an official standard, or used on more than one program we cannot specifically support it.


        • goberre

          • May 2009
          • 7

          Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

          I have the same problem, ripping with dbpoweramp to flac and playing with mediamonkey the ratings are 1-5 but mediamonkey requires 1-100. This is the single biggest drawback to dbpoweramp in my opinion as it means the ratings you take care to enter are useless.
          I do not think it is a satisfactory answer for dbpoweramp to say there is nothing they can do about it. We have all paid good money for the software and they should endeavour to iron out these problems. Surely someone could write a script to go through selected directories and edit the flac rating tag by multiplying it by a factor of 20.
          I have a library of about 35,000 flac files and to go through each one individually would take me weeks. If everybody else using dbpoweramp and mediamonkey has this problem a solution would save many man years and might have a commercial value.
          Someone help please.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

            We take our position of:

            (a) Not having enough hours in the day
            (b) have a huge 'to do list' (it is 300 items long!)

            If ever there is a standard for ratings and FLAC (two programs use it, Josh (FLAC) or Vorbis Comments define this) then we would implement. Otherwise you are as equal to ask Monkeys Audio to change to 1-10 (which we use internally)


            • DazBYorks
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Feb 2008
              • 59

              Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC


              If you cannot script a solution use an mp3tag action;
              Field: RATING
              Format String: $mul(%rating%,20)

              Only run it once though! (Checking for values 1-5 could be added)



              • goberre

                • May 2009
                • 7

                Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

                Thanks HeiDO,

                That trick with Mp3tag worked well. I have detailed the steps to take for those that are not as computer savy as you.

                To change the FLAC rating tag from 1-5 to a 1-100 scale follow the following;

                Download and install Mp3tag from here
                In Mp3tag select "File" then "Change Directory" to the desired location.
                Select all the files you wish to alter.
                Select "Convert" then "Actions" and a dialogue box opens.
                Click icon for new action and call it Rating the hit OK.
                Click icon for new action and select "Format value" from drop down list.
                In Field drop down list select "RATING"
                Under Format String type the following exactly $mul(%rating%,20)
                Click OK to close that window and OK again to close next.
                Make sure only the "Rating" tick box is selected in the Action Groups window and click OK.
                Job done.



                • HeiDO

                  • Jun 2009
                  • 6

                  Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

                  Yes! Thank-you Thank-you! :komisch9: Thanks goes to goberre and DazBYorks for a solution. This works, but a couple of notes are in order:
                  The drop-down list didn't show Rating for me. It showed Rating MM (I'm assuming Monkey Media) and Rating WMP (Win Media Player). I tried running with these 2 choices without sucess. However, if you pick one, then manually edit (backspace out the MM or WMP), everthing else works as advertised.

                  One note: although dBPA stores ratings "internally" as 1-10 (ie: you can rate "half stars"), after you run the script, everything shows up as full stars. That is, it sees the dBPA rating as 1-5, not 1-10.

                  If anybody has a solution to the difference in resolution, I'm all ears.


                  • Selzhanik

                    • Jul 2011
                    • 30

                    Re: Set config option to change ratings scale for FLAC

                    This thread is ancient I know, but I thought I'd post something that may help others. I had set some ratings with dBPA, and some with MediaMonkey. The MediaMonkey scale is 0 to 100, where 5 stars is 100 and 3.5 stars is 70. The dBPA scale is 0 to 5, where 3.5 stars is 3.5. Since I'm using Asset and I wanted my ratings to work in the Dynamic Playlists, I wrote an MP3Tag convertion action that will ignore ratings of 0 to 5, and convert the 10 to 100 ratings back to the dBPA scale of 0 to 5.

                    First, MP3Tag has changed a bit. "Convert" is now its own menu option, so you select Actions, then Actions (or hit Alt+5). Create a new action group, and in that a new action, and then for field, select "RATING MM" then manually remove the " MM" part so it's just RATING. The, for the format string, I used:

                    $if($and($isdigit(%rating%),$grtr(%rating%,5)),$di v(%rating%,20).$if($geql($mod(%rating%,20),10),5,0 ),%rating%)

                    In other words, if the rating is a number and it's greater than 5, then divide it by 20 (integer division, so you lose the remainder here) concatenate a .5 if the remainder is 10 or more or .0 otherwise. Else if it's not a number or not greater than 5, just leave it alone.

                    I selected my entire FLAC music library and applied this action, and voila!

