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Stitching Flac Files Together

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  • Dokter123

    • May 2009
    • 8

    Stitching Flac Files Together

    Hi folks - my first post in this forum. I wish I'd discovered these tools before spending a lot of $ on more expensive products that don't do as good a job...

    I listen to a lot of classical music. Often times one track/movement is contiguous with the next although each movement is denoted as a separate track on the CD itself. On the CD the music plays without track interruptions, but flac files, when ripped separately inject an instance of (disconcerting) silence.

    What do I do, or can I do anything *when I no longer have the CD itself to re-rip* to stitch the flac files back together and have them play as one long file without those interruptions?

    Thank you.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: Stitching Flac Files Together

    Convert to Wave, then use something like audacity (free editor) to stick together.


    • Dokter123

      • May 2009
      • 8

      Re: Stitching Flac Files Together

      Thank you.



      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Stitching Flac Files Together

        Note that if you DO have the CDs, you can use the Rip as 1 button in the CD ripper to rip multiple tracks, or even the entire CD, as one file.


        • dvdr
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2008
          • 235

          Re: Stitching Flac Files Together

          Since for most uses, there is an advantage of keeping tracks separate, here is a question for you: how do you play your files back, what software/hardware, what server are you using, or do you play them back in a portable player?
          There are ways to do gapless playback, but it is hardware/software/settings dependant. So if you'd share same more info, the forum could help you even better...

