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Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

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  • rlc999

    • Jan 2009
    • 3

    Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

    I'd trying to determine if there's a way to burn a compilation CD (using CD Writer), then use CD Ripper to display the track titles and artist information. In particular, I want to use the feature with CD Ripper where the track information can be copied to the clipboard. I can't determine a way to accomplish this. I'd be happy to copy the track information from CD Writer or by viewing a CD template, but the feature (copy information to clipboard) isn't available there. And, CD Writer doesn't write local information (e.g., CD-Text) or other options that CD Ripper can use to obtain metadata. I'm trying to figure this out so I can print CD covers/inserts for my compilation CD's.

    Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? I'd appreciate it.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44838

    Re: Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

    CD Text would be the only way to do this, which CD Writer does not support.


    • rlc999

      • Jan 2009
      • 3

      Re: Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

      that's too bad; thanks for the quick reply.


      • rlc999

        • Jan 2009
        • 3

        Re: Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

        I hope adding the capability of CD Writer to write CD Text gets considered as an enhancement in a future release.

        I've been evaluating dbPoweramp as a replacement application for MusicMatch, and as part of my project to convert my music from WAV files to Flac files. But not having the ability to write CD Text, or otherwise preserve track information for my compilation CD's (and related insert printing), effectively knocks it out of consideration for me. It's looks like a great tool/application otherwise!


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Transferring Tag info from CD Writer to Ripper

          dCW uses a third-party library to do the CD burning, this library doesn't support CD-Text, so it is not something Spoon can add.

