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How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

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  • hatfield

    • Jan 2008
    • 9

    How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

    First off, I am sorry that I even have to post this question. I have a feeling the answer is somewhere in the forum. I was able to find one part that I needed: A 320 kbps file, converted to a 320 kbps file loses quality. Is that correct?

    If it is, I need help doing a project where I want to normalize the volume on a bunch of tracks but not lose the kbps quality. My understanding is that you have to run the converter for the DSP volume normalize to make the changes I want. I'm hoping to avoid this as I want to keep my 320 kbps files and have normalized volume.

    If anyone has some info that would help, I would appreciate it. Thanks to the hard work done by spoon, Lt. etc... I purchased your last two updates and look forward to more in the future. This is a great program. Thanks!!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

    Converting looses quality, but 320 to 320 will not loose any real perceptable quality.


    • hatfield

      • Jan 2008
      • 9

      Re: How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

      Thanks Spoon! Is that the same for lower values such as 240 --> 240 and 190 --> 190? Thanks again for helping me out!


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

        The lower the bitrate, the more quality that would be lost, as the lower bitrates are designed to squeeze out some of the data anyway.


        • EliC
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 1175

          Re: How Do I Vol. Normalize and Keep the same quality

          What player do you need to play them on? You can simply add ReplyGain tags to normalize the audio with zero loss of quality if your player support replaygain.

