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How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

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  • Bruce S

    • May 2008
    • 8

    How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

    I'm converting WAV files to FLAC. For the sake of storage space, I've no desire to keep the WAV files after the conversion completes. I'm using the Batch Converter and I'm placing the FLAC files in the same folders as the source WAV files. Rather than going through each folder and deleting the WAV files manually, is there a way to set the Batch Converter to overwrite and/or delete the source files as the conversion occurs? Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

    Yes, use the Delete Source File DSP Effect.


    • Bruce S

      • May 2008
      • 8

      Re: How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

      Thanks, again. You've really helped me out w/all my inquiries. So, you truly are "da man."


      • sizetwo

        • Jun 2008
        • 10

        Re: How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

        Just what I was looking for. Am I the only one who feels that removing the source file shouldnt be considered a "Digital Signal Processing" effect ?


        • Hubird

          • Jul 2008
          • 2

          Re: How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

          I registered for the sole purpose of finding out how to delete the source file after encoding.

          I agree that it should not be under DSP effects.

          Since when has (and how has) deleting a file been related to Digital Signal Processing ???


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44836

            Re: How do I overwrite source files when doing batch conversion?

            In music converter they are referred to as DSP EFfects / Actions.

