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How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

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  • Bruce S

    • May 2008
    • 8

    How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

    I want to apply Replay Gain (both track and album) when I rip CD's into FLAC, and also when batch converting already ripped files from WAV to FLAC. I do not want to change the audio properties of the files. Does Replay Gain simply write info to a meta tag w/out actually altering the physical structure of the audio? Also, what's the "best" method for applying Replay Gain? And, I just don't understand what interaction - if any - is needed between Replay Gain and the Volume Normalization DSP. Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44836

    Re: How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

    The DSP Replaygain does not change the audio.


    • Bruce S

      • May 2008
      • 8

      Re: How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

      Thanks, Spoon. Is there any need to use the Volume Normalize DSP when ripping, or, do I just use the Replaygain DSP?


      • Teknojnky
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2006
        • 323

        Re: How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

        replay gain = only tags, the player must be able to read and utilize them for them to be of any use

        normalize = modifies files, since the audi itself is normalized they play on any player

        why you would want to use one vs the other?

        if your portable does not use replay gain tags, then you would have to use normalize on the player tracks in order to have consistent volume

        most people will not want to use normalize on their normal collection as that permanently modifes the audio, however they may desire to have normalize on their portable tracks.

        hope that helps

        for more info, check various articles
        Last edited by Teknojnky; May 06, 2008, 05:00 PM.


        • Bruce S

          • May 2008
          • 8

          Re: How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

          That helped very much. Thanks.


          • Porcus
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2007
            • 792

            Re: How do I apply Replay Gain w/out altering the file

            There are volume-normalizers which only use the ReplayGain flag. IIRC, Foobar2000 can do so.

