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converting .aa files --> directshow filter??

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  • simoneDD

    • Feb 2008
    • 2

    converting .aa files --> directshow filter??


    I can't seem to find any easy explanation on how to convert .aa files to mp3s. I've found numerous links online to threads in here but these threads don't seem to exist (I always get an error telling me to contact the administrator about it).. can anybody help me with the following problem or direct me to an appropriate thread please? Thanks!!!

    Someone gave me a gift certificate for Audible. I've never used this site before and never will again, but now I've bough 2 audio books there and can't really listen to them. I'm not good with computers, so I'm already glad I found my way here.
    I installed dbpowerAmp, I installed some DirectShow thingy (but I have no idea what it is good for), I do have this little text file where .aa is added as an extension in there and I can get all the way to the conversion window, where I'm asked to say what type of MP3 I want the file to be converted to.
    Then I make all my choices, and it seems to start but it stops right away and the error I get is:

    Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\ ....aa' to 'C:\....mp3'
    DirectShow filter for '.aa' file types is not installed, or audio file is corrupt. [clDecoder::Open]

    The audio file is not corrupt as I can listen to it in this stupid audible manager. I also have something with Directshow installed. So, what am I missing??? I also did a reboot after I installed all the dbpoweramp stuff..

    If anybody could help please? I just want to listen to these 2 audiobooks on my MP3 player (does not support .aa) and I'm so annoyed by this audible crap :cry:


    Oh, dbpoweramp: version 12.4, audible manager if that's of any use...
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: converting .aa files --> directshow filter??

    We cannot assist you with converting .aa files. See here for why:


    • simoneDD

      • Feb 2008
      • 2

      Re: converting .aa files --> directshow filter??

      doh damn it.. that was a waste of a gift certificate for me.. and I thought apple was worst..
      well.. thanks anyway.. I guess i'll go now and tell all my friends not to use audible :-(

      have a great night!

