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mp3 stereo to mono?

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  • deaglan1

    • Jan 2008
    • 2

    mp3 stereo to mono?

    Hi, I have a relative who is deaf in one ear - listening to mp3 music via earphones does not seem to me to be a great listening experience for her. If I listen to a piece of music with one earphone removed, the sound is tinny and lacks richness. Is it possible to convert the stereo output from the mp3 player to mono and thereby obtain the full rich sound normally associated only with stereo, i.e. is it possible to bring all sounds through just one ear phone? A mono adapter to the mp3 player did not provide any improvement whatsoever. Or i:confused::confused:s there a simple software solution, e.g. a way to convert/record the stereo signal to mono prior to loading onto the mp3 player? Apologies if this seems long-winded - audio terminology is not something I have any understanding of.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: mp3 stereo to mono?

    Create mono mp3 file, use a DSP effect 'Channels'


    • deaglan1

      • Jan 2008
      • 2

      Re: mp3 stereo to mono?

      Thanks Spoon - BUT I would be very grateful if you could spoonfeed me through what that means!! - what are DSP channels and how do I acquire/operate them? All I have at the moment are MP3 stereo files on my harddrive and a lot of music on CDs. So what next?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44835

        Re: mp3 stereo to mono?

        An easier way, select files >> Right click >> Convert to >> Mp3 (Lame) >> Advanced and select channels as mono.

