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How do I rip successfully? (Not Accurate & Insecure)

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  • damian291

    • Jan 2008
    • 4

    How do I rip successfully? (Not Accurate & Insecure)

    I've tried searching in the forums for this but can't quite find a solution that matches my needs.

    I'm currently ripping my CD collection and have so far completed 70+ CDs successfully. They have either all been in the Accurate database, or have ripped securely. I have come across three CDs however which are in the Accurate database, but I cannot match them. Nor can I get a secure rip. Everytime I rip (burst or secure mode) I get a different CRC. Additionally, there are always a random number of frames that are attepting to be re-ripped when I try in secure mode.

    I have also tried with and without C2 error detection; Burst and secure modes and the following two different drives (with both having the same effects):

    Drive 1: MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S ATA (Internal)
    Drive 2: SAMSUNG TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M USB (External)

    Offsets appear to be set correctly as the other 70+ CDs rip fine and match the Accurate DB where applicable.

    The CDs in question are:

    Gorillaz: Demon Days
    Avril Lavigne: Let Go
    Sarah McLachlan: Afterglow

    I can only assume it's some kind of copy protection as the CDs are in perfect condition.

    I have tried listening to snippets of the rips and they sound fine, but how can I get a secure rip? They appear in Accurate (with at least 5) so some people are managing to rip these successfully.

    Any suggestions are appreciated!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How do I rip successfully? (Not Accurate & Insecure)

    CDs which look perfect can have manufacturing defects which effect certain drives.


    • damian291

      • Jan 2008
      • 4

      Re: How do I rip successfully? (Not Accurate & Insecure)

      Aha... that might well be it then. Thanks!

