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Convert only WMA lossless -> Flac

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    • Dec 2007
    • 1

    Convert only WMA lossless -> Flac

    I have recently purchased a SONOS system. This supports WMA, except for WMA lossless.

    So I now need to go through my library and convert only the lossless files (5000 out of 20000 total) to FLAC.

    I see with db Batch Converter you can filter on extension, but I need to filter on specific codec.

    Does anyone have suggestions for how to do this, or any other ideas on how to make a library SONOS friendly, without manually going though every file. I think one other option would be filtering on size. Most of the WMA Lossless are over 15k meg in size, so maybe I could trigger of that instead of the codec. But I still see now way to do that.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Convert only WMA lossless -> Flac

    I'm not sure how well this would work, but you could try just doing a search in windows Explorer by size, highlighting the files shown, and right-click --> Convert To should work.


    • Wayne
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Aug 2002
      • 1254

      Re: Convert only WMA lossless -> Flac

      Could you use the extra columns that dMC (Reference) adds to Windows Explorer to search for the files?


      • 73ChargerFan
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Nov 2006
        • 54

        Re: Convert only WMA lossless -> Flac

        Yes, it looks like you can sort wma files that way. The column name is "Audio Quality" and it reports my lossless wma files as "Perfect (Lossless)".


        • JeffLearman

          • Aug 2024
          • 2

          Unfortunately, this no longer works on Windows 11, where search seems to have been dumbed down.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            You can use Batch Converter, it can list based on Type and Lossless, add the column 'Quality'


            • JeffLearman

              • Aug 2024
              • 2

              I used Batch Converter. I didn't see a Quality field in Filter or as a column in the list.

              My solution was to use the bulk converter and, after filtering on wma file type:
              - click the "List" button
              - wait for the list to fill completely (took a couple minutes, due to 5K files on OneDrive)
              - right-click and "unselect all"
              - sort on bit rate
              - select the low bitrate files
              - click the checkbox on one of the files. The list disappears, but when it's reopened, the high bitrate files are checkmarked.
              - click Convert

              But I now see that I could have added the extended property Audio Quality to the columns and used the same steps. The "invert selected" right-click option didn't seem to work, and took a couple minutes each time (due to 5K files and OneDrive) so I gave up on that and used the sequence above, which worked.

              I've been using dMC and associated programs for about 20 years now and am a big fan. Thanks for this inexpensive, extremely feature-packed, convenient, and useful suite of tools!


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Right click on Title >> Extended Properties >> Audio Quality

