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Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

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  • JulianL

    • Nov 2007
    • 17

    Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

    I have my music collection ripped to my PC in FLAC format and I'm trying to use Music Converter to create AAC copies for download to my HTC 3300 (Windows Mobile 5 based smart phone) to play using the built in Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Pocket PC (henceforth referred to as "WMP"). I have downloaded the "m4a Nero (AAC) Release 7" codec.

    I have successfully created many AAC files from my FLAC files and, when copied to my phone, WMP can play them just fine but in the WMP they are all categorised as "unknown" for artist, album, etc (i.e. WMP is unable to extract any tag info from them).

    I know that the WMP tag mechanism is working on my setup because I also tried converting some of the same FLAC files to WMA using Music Converter and the "Windows Media Audio 10 Release 4 (WMA Pro 10)" codec and those files, once downloaded to my phone, get correctly scanned into the WMP library and sorted by artist, album and genre according to the tags. I also know that tags are being put into the converted AAC files because if I hover my mouse over one of the AAC files on my PC then the popup box shows the correct values for artist, album, etc.

    I assume/hope that the problem is just that the tags being created in the AAC file are in the wrong format for WMP to parse and that by using the "Advanced Options" on the configuration for the m4a Nero (AAC) codec that I can fix this.

    My problem is that there seem to me to be 4 parameters that might be appropriate to change ("Tag Creation", "... Version", "... Text Encoding" and "Tag Padding") and I make this a total of 144 different combinations which will take me a _very_ long time to work through so if anyone could give me any hints or, even better, real-life experience of what settings might generate tags in the AAC files that WMP will recognise then that would be really helpful. The default Tag Creation type was ape2 and I've done one experiment with that changed to ID3v2 and all other parameters left unchanged but WMP still didn't see the tags.

    - Julian

    P.S. The reason I don't just encode to WMA instead of AAC is because my device only supports a 2GB card so I'm using 64kbs to try and pack in as much as possible and, to my ears at least, 64kbs CBR AAC is dramatically better sound quality than WMA 64kbs CBR or the equivalent sized WMA VBR settings.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44834

    Re: Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

    We use the right type of tag for m4a files, they are an iTunes type tag, it is no suprise that WMP does not support an Apple standard (as used by the rest o the world).


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

      The options you are referring to about "Tag Creation", "Version", etc is for mp3 and not mp4/m4a.


      • JulianL

        • Nov 2007
        • 17

        Re: Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

        Thanks for the replies.

        Spoon: I wasn't complaining (in case you thought I was). I love the software, I was just hoping there might be an answer.

        LtData: Thanks for that, but I must say that in that case the advanced configuration dialog is misleading (at least to me). The "Tag Creation", "Version" and "Text Encoding" options are all under a section called "Advanced Audio Compression ID Tagging" in the advanced configuration dialog box. I just looked it up in Wikipedia and I see that AAC stands for "Advanced Audio Coding" but I don't think it's a huge leap for me to have thought that those options might have related to AAC, especially when there are other sections of the advanced configuration dialog with seperate sections for "FLAC ID Tagging" and "mp3 ID Tagging" (the section for mp3 ID tagging also has an option entitled "Tag Creation" which is seperate from the one under the Advanced Audio Compression ID Tagging section).

        What do those first three options relate to? Is "Advanced Audio Compression" on this dialog box not intended to mean AAC? If these options won't affect the tags in AAC output files then I suggest some sort of change on the advanced options dialog because as it is now I think many people would be fooled into thinking that the first three options on the dialog are for this.

        - Julian


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Tag AAC files for Windows Media Player Mobile?

          Whoops, my mistake, there are those options for AAC files. However, do note that AAC and m4a are different codecs, slightly. Are you encoding to m4a or AAC?

