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How to rip thousands of cds?

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  • kieranmullen

    • Mar 2004
    • 8

    How to rip thousands of cds?

    What hardware is suggested? Is there a way I can have 1 pc run multiple cd drives and rip multiple cds at once?

    Thank you
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

    You could rip multiple CDs on one computer, but it results in unpredictible results. dMC has early (beta) support for automated CD loaders, if you have to rip lotsa CDs. See the beta section of this forum for details.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44835

      Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

      >>same post form Hydrogen Audio<<
      Entry level into robotic (non carrousel) loading is the Datatronics MiniCubis (they are the manufactuer, the drives also are sold under the names: MFDigital Baxter, Stordigital 25, Diskmakers Pico, Acronova DupliQ).

      They have a 25 disc capacity, which is about 1 hours of ripping. Currently only 1 of these drives can be used on the same PC at once, we (dBpoweramp) are working with datatronics to get multiple drives working from the same PC.


      As bhoar mentioned we have open testing of our new dBpoweramp Batch Ripper, you can read our mission statement with it here:

      Illustrate has made a decision to enter the automated / commercial CD Ripping business in a big way, we are to offer automated (batch ripping) free for all Reference users. Normally automated ripping programs can cost $$$$, Illustrates aggressive pricing will ensure market domination. Final Functionality The program will

      This one program is going to shake up the entire segment of this industry, we are working with around 100 companies, from top radio stations to system integrators and bulk ripping providers to ensure, everyone is catered for. This market segment will look very different next year....

      Currently this is the only secure batch ripper, from our 6 months of testing (and in our opinion) it is more secure than EAC.

      We have made it open so it is not locked to a single loading device. Full release of our Ripper will be around Christmas time (so less than 3 months).

      Currently Minicubis (and varieties are supported) as are manual loading towers. Support for Sony (multichanger) will appear very shortly, other robots before release.


      >"I would like to add, that multiple ripping drives on the same PC is a really bad idea."

      4 drives ripping at 25x is about 16MB a second, a modern PC can easily handle such speeds.


      • neilthecellist
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2004
        • 1288

        Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

        I never understood the reasoning behind multiple cd ripping... I can understand if multiple CD drives are used, but even if you had, say, 10 drives, wouldn't you be reducing the life-span of all your CD drives even if you ripped X number of CDs sequentially? Or does the life-span reducing principle only apply to burning cds?


        • bhoar
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2006
          • 1173

          Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

          Originally posted by LtData
          You could rip multiple CDs on one computer, but it results in unpredictible results. dMC has early (beta) support for automated CD loaders, if you have to rip lotsa CDs. See the beta section of this forum for details.
          Just to clarify: the alpha, currently, allows you to use *all* optical drives in your computer in parallel for ripping. So, if you have a desktop with two or three optical drives mounted in the front, you can manually load all of them up and rip more than one cd at once.

          Just make sure that you use the standard dbpa CD Ripper client to configure each of the drives first (for cache size, cache clear/fua, c2 and accuraterip) before using the batch ripper.

          Originally posted by neilthecellist
          I never understood the reasoning behind multiple cd ripping... I can understand if multiple CD drives are used, but even if you had, say, 10 drives, wouldn't you be reducing the life-span of all your CD drives even if you ripped X number of CDs sequentially? Or does the life-span reducing principle only apply to burning cds?
          I'm a bit confused. Can you rephrase the question(s)?



          • neilthecellist
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2004
            • 1288

            Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

            I mean like, I know that burning many CD's in a sequence deteriorates the life of your CD burner, but I was wondering if ripping CD's would also cause some damage to the CD drive too.


            • bhoar
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Sep 2006
              • 1173

              Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

              Originally posted by neilthecellist
              I mean like, I know that burning many CD's in a sequence deteriorates the life of your CD burner, but I was wondering if ripping CD's would also cause some damage to the CD drive too.
              Drive mechanics and electronics can wear out, sure. But it's the high-power laser used during writing (especially high-speed DVD writing) that has the shortest life-span.

              If you're worried about drive life, I'd suggest limiting the top speed of the drive (if possible) a notch or two above the maximum, and don't use them for high-speed DVD copying.



              • neilthecellist
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2004
                • 1288

                Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                Alright, thanks for the tip.

                When I burn anything to a DVD medium, I make sure I burn at 2x (if it's a full ISO copy then I just let the computer sit there overnight).


                • bhoar
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Sep 2006
                  • 1173

                  Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                  Oops, above I clearly meant "a notch or two *below* the maxium.

                  Originally posted by neilthecellist
                  When I burn anything to a DVD medium, I make sure I burn at 2x (if it's a full ISO copy then I just let the computer sit there overnight).
                  I'd suggest the sweet spot is, in most circumstances, probably one notch below either the maximum supported speed of the drive or the maximum supported speed of the DVD medium you are using, whichever is lower.



                  • trtlrock

                    • Jul 2007
                    • 33

                    Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                    Originally posted by bhoar
                    Oops, above I clearly meant "a notch or two *below* the maxium.

                    I'd suggest the sweet spot is, in most circumstances, probably one notch below either the maximum supported speed of the drive or the maximum supported speed of the DVD medium you are using, whichever is lower.

                    using 12.3 to rip to my NAS. dB Options / Technical says my drive maxes out at x47. In Options / CD ROM / Ripping Speed should I change drop-down choice from "Maximum" to "40x"?


                    • bhoar
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Sep 2006
                      • 1173

                      Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                      Originally posted by trtlrock
                      using 12.3 to rip to my NAS. dB Options / Technical says my drive maxes out at x47. In Options / CD ROM / Ripping Speed should I change drop-down choice from "Maximum" to "40x"?
                      I don't think it can hurt, esp. for burst. The other thing to do is to allow the cd ripper to vary the drive speed when secure ripping.



                      • trtlrock

                        • Jul 2007
                        • 33

                        Re: How to rip thousands of cds?



                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                          trtrlrock: I also recommend ripping to your local drive and then copying the rips after they are done to the NAS, as it will take much longer to rip to the NAS dive.


                          • NoMo

                            • Aug 2008
                            • 13

                            Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                            Originally posted by LtData
                            You could rip multiple CDs on one computer, but it results in unpredictible results. dMC has early (beta) support for automated CD loaders, if you have to rip lotsa CDs. See the beta section of this forum for details.
                            What do you mean ripping multiple CDs on one computer results in unpredictable results?



                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: How to rip thousands of cds?

                              I mean that if you have multiple CD drives and just call CD ripper multiple times, you end up slowing down the whole process to the point of probably eliminating your advantage of using 2 CD drives. Use the Batch Ripper instead.

