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Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

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  • xSpirit

    • Mar 2007
    • 2

    Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

    "OggPlay is an Ogg vorbis audio player for smartphones. Ogg Vorbis is an audio compression format similar to mp3. However the compressed files are approximately a factor two smaller than mp3 files. To be more precise an ogg file encoded with 64kbit/sec gives approximately the same level of audio quality as a 128kbit/sec mp3 file. In addition the ogg format is a free format, i.e. nobody pays licence fees when recording or playing music in this format. Free converters for the ogg vorbis format are available widely for all platforms."

    Hi! I just used dbpoweramp converter to convert a mp3 song to ogg but how come the size isnt much different than the converted ogg song? Like, mp3 file is 3.65mb while ogg file is 3.61mb.

    Another question, when using dbpoweramp to convert to ogg files, which should I select from the target option: Quality(VBR), Bit Rate(ABR) or Bit Rate (CBR)? I mean, which would be the best to select?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

    Use VBR, as it is what Vorbis was designed for. However, make sure the player will play VBR files first.

    The reason your file is the same size is that you selected the same bitrate. Normally, with Vorbis, you can drop the bitrate slider down a notch or two and get the same sound as the mp3 of a higher bitrate. This way, you get the same sound with a smaller file.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44836

      Re: Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

      >64kbit/sec gives approximately the same level of audio quality as a 128kbit/sec mp3

      That is a rubbish claim.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

        I agree that a claim that extreme is rubbish, the reality is that vorbis at a step or two lower will sound the same: i.e. 192kbps mp3 is about the same as a 160kbps Vorbis file. However, as always, this depends on the user, as it differs with each person and their equiptment


        • xSpirit

          • Mar 2007
          • 2

          Re: Why is the converted ogg song(originally mp3)not much smaller than mp3 file?

          okay.. thank you :smile2:

