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How do I use the command line function?

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  • playboysmoov

    • Feb 2007
    • 22

    How do I use the command line function?

    I know its a newbie question but how do you use the command line function?

    Prior to r12 I was able to use dmc and rip in variable bit rate from and made sure that none of my bit rates fell below 200 or 190 sumthin. Now I can only choose extreme and now my rates are all over the place.

    I saw in someones thread able use the command line to rip and having better control but I dont know where to begin. I mean I know a little bout ms-dos but its been a while since i played with it. Like win95 while. Can you guys help me out?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44839

    Re: How do I use the command line function?

    Lame its self has changed, it is now on v quality presets, there is no reason to limit a minimum bitrate, unless your iPod suffers from playing vbr mp3 files.

