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How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

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  • kapalama

    • Oct 2006
    • 5

    How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

    For compatibility reasons I want to use FLAC, but in a format that iTUnes can read.

    [old]Apparently if I use FLACs in a Ogg container I can do this but I cannot figure out how to put FLACs in an Ogg container file.[/old]

    I am getting somewhere with this.

    has some info that helps but.

    I managed to convert to .wav and then specify that when it reFLAC'd them it made them Ogg-FLAC files because iTUnes was able to play them and seek through them.

    Unfortunately FLAC front end seems to be a generation behind because even though FLAC 1.1.3beta is "supposed" to allow FLAC input (so I would not have to go FLAC->WAV->OggFLAC), the FLAC Front end won't allow FLACs to be used as input. SO for those of you who want to play FLACs directly in iTUnes you can as long as you re-wrap your FLACs as OggFLAC. It just seems right now that you have to convert to WAV and then back to OggFLAC. Once I did that iTUnes would play the files just fine.

    I still need to do some testing to see how I can avoid losing all the tag info in the conversion process, because once the files are in WAV all the Tag Info is lost. If the front End recognized the abilities of the FLAC command line tool it seems all would be easy since it would retain the Tag info in the FLAC->OggFlac conversion process. Right now that intermediate step of going to a Wav file is eating the tag info, and the FLAC program seems to truncate the long file name if I try to rename the files to a long name that has all the track number title artist album info in a long "01-Where Everything is Music- Philip Glass-MOnsters of Grace.flac" type dealio.

    I will keep working on this and update when I get useful info.
    Last edited by kapalama; October 30, 2006, 04:21 PM.
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

    Can you use WMA lossless instead of WAV for the intermediate step?


    • kapalama

      • Oct 2006
      • 5

      Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

      Originally posted by ChristinaS
      Can you use WMA lossless instead of WAV for the intermediate step?
      You mean to preserve the tags? Hmm, I supppose that if I could go from FLAC to some other lossless format that had tag support then I could convert that format back to OggFlac all the while manintaing the tags.....

      WHat would really be bgest though is if I could figure out how to get

      dbPoweramp to just convert FLACs to OggFlac without having to go the intermediate step at all.

      Can dbPoweramp:
      1. Make OggFLAC format files? (FLACs in a Ogg Container file?)
      2. If it can, can it direct convert from FLAC to OggFLAC?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44835

        Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

        It will if you use the Generic CLI and flac.exe to encode (with the ogg option), pass the tags on the command line also.


        • kapalama

          • Oct 2006
          • 5

          Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

          Upon further experimentationalization, I have discovered that iTUnes does not recognize the OGG tags as far as I can tell anyway, so whether I have tags or not does not really matter....

          SO to look at my problem from another persepective, I need then to be able to move from FLAC to ALAC (I do in fact not want to have to reenter the tags into the files every time I move them back into my music library).

          SO now another solution to my problem would be a way to rip from FLAC to ALAC in some format that preserves the tag info.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

            dMC can do this. It can convert from FLAC to ALAC.


            • kapalama

              • Oct 2006
              • 5

              Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

              Originally posted by LtData
              dMC can do this. It can convert from FLAC to ALAC.
              Of course. I got so wrapped up in the other stuff I forgot it can certainly do that. THank You. Sorry.

              But to make sure I understand correctly, right now the only way to convert from FLAC to Ogg-FLAC with dMC is to as Spoon said,

              Originally posted by Spoon
              It will if you use the Generic CLI and flac.exe to encode (with the ogg option), pass the tags on the command line also.
              This I don't really understand. Is there an explanation of that somewhere?


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

                You install the Generic CLI encoder and then you point it to the FLAC.exe encoder with the command-line switches/options that are needed to encode to Ogg Flac. This is probably located in the help files that came with the FLAC encoder.


                • kapalama

                  • Oct 2006
                  • 5

                  Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

                  Originally posted by LtData
                  You install the Generic CLI encoder
                  Where (or what) is the generic CLI encoder?


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: How do I rip or convert into Ogg-Flac format?

                    A Generic CLI Encoder that enables dMC to quickly use any CLI Encoder (an encoding program that accepts a command line), just by typing a simple command line.

