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How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

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  • flips
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2006
    • 93

    How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

    Do I have to rip to wav or bin/cue or something?
    (I think this was an option, "detect gaps" or something, in EAC -- the program I used before I discovered dbpowerAMP. I never tried it in EAC, though.)

    Could I use dbpower AMP CD Input and dbpowerAMP CD Writer/Nero/whatever to make exact copies somehow? (Preferably from OGG or MP3 files.) If no, maybe in version 12 or later?

    (By exact I mean: "having correct gaps", it doesn't have to have the same checksum or anything, as long as it sounds like the original CD.)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44835

    Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

    By detecting and removing gaps then you are creating an inexact copy of a cd. CDs tend to have gaps, thatis how they are designed. Rip to a lossless format and you will have an exact copy of the cd, ogg and mp3 are lossy so cannot recreate an exact cd.


    • flips
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2006
      • 93

      Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

      I am aware of the lossy/non-lossy issue, that's why I defined what I mean by exact, as it is not the dictionary/usual meaning of the word.

      Different CD's have different gaps between different tracks, and sometimes if I rip to FLAC, OGG, MP3 or whatever and then just burn it back to CD, it's sometime a little annoying, because I get a two second or whatever gap where there is no detectable/annoying gap when playing the original CD. If I just want to copy the CD, that's pretty easy, just copy it bit by bit.

      But it would be nice if I could detect/record the gaps on the original CD's to a file or database, so that I later could burn a CD from my compressed files that sounds pretty much the same as the original -- even though it's not an exact copy ...

      That's what I was trying to say/ask, hope it was clearer now ...
      (I actually think the new iTunes does something like this when ripping/importing, saying "detecting gaps" or something.)


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

        You could use dMC and the "Rip as One" feature and just rip the entire CD as one large track. However, dMC doesn't support making (or reading) cue sheets, so if you play the song it will be one continuous track.

        The 2-second gap you mention can be removed in some CD burning software, such as Nero.


        • flips
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jan 2006
          • 93

          Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

          Yep, but I do want to have different files for each track ...
          So I guess we could move this thread to the Wishlist ...
          It would be really neat if the CD Input program/PowerPack could detect and store the original gaps to a file -- preferably a file that some kind of CD writing software (and maybe even a music player app) could understand/utilize ...

          I didn't think about this issue until I made a backup copy of a CD from my FLAC files (to bring to a festival or party or something), playing this CD later, there was these 2 second gaps every now and then, that wasn't on the original CD. This was trance or something, so it was hard not to notice ...

          Anyway, no big deal, but it would be a nice feature! :D


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

            That is the CD burning software's fault. Normally you can adjust or turn off the pauses. Just note that the first track MUST have a 2 second pause before it or the CD won't play.


            • flips
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jan 2006
              • 93

              Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

              But in order to create the correct length pauses, one must know how the original CD's was made. For my use, a file called gap.txt or something, stating the gap between each track, would be sufficient. I know how to adjust gap in Nero ... This file would of course have to be created when ripping the CD ...

              So that would be my feature for the wishlist!


              • kbaerwald

                • Oct 2006
                • 3

                Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?


                the way I do it with EAC is as follows:
                - Action -> Create Cue Sheet -> Multiple Wave Files with Gaps.
                - After Freebb select your tracks
                - Action -> Copy Selected Tracks -> Compressed (with flac encoder setup in the compressions option)
                - move the cue sheet file and the flac files in your directory of choice
                - take 'Burrn' read and edit (Extra) the produced cue sheets so that any 'wav' is replaced with 'flac' and file paths are eliminated.
                - open the cue sheet with 'Burrn' and you can burn a copy without unwanted gaps.



                • flips
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 93

                  Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                  Hm, then I could use EAC to create the CUE sheet, rip the files with dbpowerAMP Audio CD input to OGG and then just make a little sed-script or something to replace .wav with .ogg and remove unwanted path's ... right? :smile2:

                  (I was using EAC before I discovered how much quicker dbpowerAMP's ripper is.)


                  • JahSun
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Nov 2003
                    • 69

                    Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                    As far as I know, Db CD burner still doesn't support gapless writing. But you can:

                    1 Rip with Db to whatever format.
                    2 Create your audio CD in NERO (burning rom, not express)
                    3 Select every track but the first, and right click >properties
                    4 Go to the section "Pause" and change the 2 to a 0
                    5 Burn away.

                    If you accidentaly set the first track to 0 as well, it won't matter as Nero won't let you burn an audio CD without a 2 second pause at the beginning, and as you try to burn it will offer to correct it for you.

                    I understand about this gapless issue. It's been a pet peeve of mine forever. (there are threads about this) It is especially annoying for live concerts and classical music where there is no silence between tracks.

                    BTW if you have a disc where silences have been inserted into the wave file for whatever reason, you can use the "Remove Silence" DSP when ripping. Make sure it is on 0.0% so you don't lose anything but silence.


                    • kbaerwald

                      • Oct 2006
                      • 3

                      Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                      Flips - try that: FLAC Backup Application

                      That script does it all fully automatically ;-)



                      • flips
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Jan 2006
                        • 93

                        Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                        Originally posted by kbaerwald
                        the way I do it with EAC is as follows:
                        - Action -> Create Cue Sheet -> Multiple Wave Files with Gaps.
                        - After Freebb select your tracks
                        - Action -> Copy Selected Tracks -> Compressed (with flac encoder setup in the compressions option)
                        - move the cue sheet file and the flac files in your directory of choice
                        - take 'Burrn' read and edit (Extra) the produced cue sheets so that any 'wav' is replaced with 'flac' and file paths are eliminated.
                        - open the cue sheet with 'Burrn' and you can burn a copy without unwanted gaps.
                        Thanks! I still would like dbPowerAmp to add a "create CUE sheet" or similar feature to the wishlist, as EAC is way slower than dbPowerAMP's CD Input, and dbPowerAMP is also much smoooother to use. :lustig12: EAC seemingly takes forever, and speed is an issue, as I'm planning to re-rip my entire CD collection. And I'm not able to get EAC to just create the CUE files (it actually seems to be making two OGG files pr. song, one being 0 kb in size. Kind of weird, might be some bug related to version upgrade.) ... (Haven't given up on getting EAC to just create the cue sheet just yet, though.)

                        (And by the way, I'm going to use OGG now, I think.)



                        • flips
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Jan 2006
                          • 93

                          Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                          Originally posted by kbaerwald
                          Flips - try that: FLAC Backup Application

                          That script does it all fully automatically ;-)
                          No offense, but just downloading and running a binary I don't know much about, is a little scary ... Also, I'm mostly making OGG's now ... But thanks anyway.


                          • flips
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Jan 2006
                            • 93

                            Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                            I've been experimenting to get this working. Here is how I got it working:
                            1. Ripped CD to OGG in dbPowerAMP CD Input,
                            using OGG Vorbis aoTuV b4 SSE2, Q=9, no DSP effects added
                            2. Started EAC.
                            - Pressed F4 (Similar to Action->Detect Gaps)
                            - Made sure "Append Gaps to Previous Track (default)" was selected in Action menu
                            (not sure it made any difference as long as I'm only creating CUE file in EAC)
                            - Chose Action->Create CUE Sheet->Multiple WAV files with Gaps (noncompliant)
                            3. Fixed filenames in .cue file (search/replaced .wav -> .ogg) and moved the .cue file to the directory corresponding to the PATH recorded in the file
                            4. Opened .cue file in the "Burrrn" application, inserted blank CDRW and pressed the "Burrrn" button.

                            (You could also add the DSP effect remove silence and create CUE sheet choosing gapless WAV files in EAC, but I chose not to do it this way, as the DSP effect slows down the process too much ...)


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: How do I rip CD's to make it easy/possible to make exact copy later?

                              dMC r12 will support reading/writing CUE sheets.

