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  • RussellRay
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2004
    • 56

    Hello all

    Does anyone know more about ""
    a downlaod and listening site in Russia
    (a bit like which is recommended
    I think somewhere on the dbpa site) ?

    Are they fair as regards contributions to musicians and composers ?

    Best regards from Ray
  • hammydude

    • Feb 2005
    • 11


    first of all, is illegal in the first place, it isn't a legal place to download. They just steal music and dont pay the artists anything. You would be better off just downloading off of limwire.

    I couldnt get to, (i think it was down or something) so i couldn't tell you. Be warned though, the copyright laws arn't really enforced in russia so that is probably just another site like


    • neilthecellist
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2004
      • 1288


      A lot of .RU websites went down in the past week...Mainly *cough* wa *cough* re *cough* zzz*/cough* ...So that explains why you can't go the websites listed in this thread.


      • clementi

        • Oct 2005
        • 1


        I think, with all of these Russian downloading sites, a lot depends on what you're intending to do with the downloads. If, for instance, you're using them to download music which you already have on vinyl, then I really can't see the problem. If you've already bought the music once, then I see no reason to pay for it again. It's true that one might as well go to limwire or wherever but some people choose to use the Russian sites for whatever reason.

        The other really big point here is about the legality or otherwise of these Russian sites. The legality is one thing and I think it's fairly well established that although it might be legal to download within Russia from these sites, it's probably, in fact more or less definitely, not legal to download from them if you live outside of Russia but the big problem here stems from the music industry's singular unwillingness to provide reliable downloads right at the very beginning. The fact that they're now getting up to speed and providing legal downloads is all well and good but it's a bit like closing the stable door after the proverbial horse has bolted. If they'd got on board at the beginning then I really do believe that there wouldn't be half as many problems with regard to illegal downloads.

        The people who're really hit by illegal downloads are the small bands, true in the end the bigger bands will also be affected but, right now, it's the small bands who're affected.

        I'm sorry to say this as I'm a musician myself and would get chucked out of the Musicians Union for saying this, but I really think much of this whole miasma is down to the music industry itself. With the exception of a couple of big names providing downloads very early on via their own websites, the big record companies just didn't get on the bandwagon, preferring to believe that it would all "go away" and we'd all prefer to buy the genuine article. They were sadly misguided. They've learnt their lesson now but persuading people to switch over to legal downloading sites will be harder to achieve.

        My own feeling is that they should bring right down the actual cost of shop-bought CD's, this wouldn't be impossible, and, in this way it might entice people back to buying the real thing. Let's face it, it's only recently that the downloaded charts have been included as real charts. This is, at least in part, the fault of the music industry itself.

        There endeth my spiel! ;-)


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097


          Hmmmm..... well, here's my version of the spiel..

          Specific legality aside, do you really believe people download legally or otherwise anything from small bands ... by small meaning unkown? Not a chance.

          People who download music are looking for specific meterial from known artists. Very well known artists.

          This is why the music industry is biting its nails. They want a piece of this action, to somehow capture and squeeze some more profit out of something which has already brought them profit - but they'd like more of it.

          I wouldn't be able to find any unknown or very little known artists' music from any such download place. So, with all due respect, I don't see the loss to the small act here. The loss is really in the fact that the unknown artist has remained unknown, because the music industry isn't much interested in finding and promoting anybody who's not a sure fire winner from the start.

          As for the legality of such download sites in Russia... well, as I rememebr reading somewhere before, Russian law apparently does not recognize an artist's exclusive copyright - the State claims it. Now not only isn't the copyright recognized for Russian artists, but neither is it recognized for any others in the world. After all, those download sites aren't focused on downloads of Russian music at all.


          • Craze
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Oct 2002
            • 308


            Discussions on the legality of downloading always takes me back to the good ol' days when all you needed was a good tape deck and an FM station with a strong signal playing your kind of music.

            Or the arguments about using a VCR to tape your favorite shows for your own personal use when those machines first came onto the scene. Sure, everyone knows it would be illegal to sell what you recorded. So we don't.

            But heaven forbid if you do the same with a computer and have a clean copy that will last a long, long time.

            Considering the history of the recording industry and all of the different formats they have put us through (vinyl LP's, reel to reel, 8 track, cassette tapes) while making what you have acquired obsolete, begs the question of how many times do you have to pay for the same Beatles album?
            It's not our fault they used cheap materials that wear out. Maybe we should be suing them. :lustig1:

            Just a thought. :rolleyes:
            Best wishes to all.


            • delfin

              • Dec 2005
              • 2


              Last edited by Spoons; December 27, 2005, 09:57 PM. Reason: SPAM

