Hi there. I've taken a look around a few boards here and am not seeing this topic, so I figure I'll post it. If it's old news to you, well, I tried.
The short-lived Playfair is back under a new name - Hymn. It lets you strip the DRM out of songs you bought from iTunes. You start with m4p files and end up with unprotected m4a. No quality loss. Tags, cover art, etc. are preserved. Recognized by iTunes, etc. Whee! Then you could use some of the dbPowerAmp tools to convert to other formats.
Engadget has an easy how-to.
Main site
The short-lived Playfair is back under a new name - Hymn. It lets you strip the DRM out of songs you bought from iTunes. You start with m4p files and end up with unprotected m4a. No quality loss. Tags, cover art, etc. are preserved. Recognized by iTunes, etc. Whee! Then you could use some of the dbPowerAmp tools to convert to other formats.
Engadget has an easy how-to.
Main site