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Volume normalization dMC Audio CD Input

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  • groebuck

    • May 2002
    • 2

    Volume normalization dMC Audio CD Input

    I recently registered the Power Pack but cannot seem to find its’ associated help file.

    I wanted to know the difference between the different types of normalization. Searching through the forums, I see that "normal" will raise the volume of a quiet CD but it will not quieten a loud CD.

    I'm a previous user of CDEx where it appears that it would normalize in both directions through one setting. Does the Power Pack have a similar function?


  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    this was in the FAQ, i think MODatic wrote it.

    Normalizing a bunch of audio files is done to make them all sound the same volume, imagine if you have just made up a CD and for each song you have to adjust the volume either higher or lower to get the right effect, not good. It works by searching the audio file for the maximum sound level and if this is less than 86% of

    also for me I go to my start bar and select dmc music converter and see the powerpack help files there.

    what i would like to see is maybe some balloon tips in the powerpack when hovering over all the settings it has.


    • groebuck

      • May 2002
      • 2

      Volume normalization dMC Audio CD Input

      I was looking at the FAQ and I still don't understand.

      FAQ -->"...the Power Pack has more advanced normalizing options, something called Adaptive Normalization, this will smartly increase the volume based on small rolling sections."

      I'm not sure what increasing "by small rolling sections" means.

      FAQ-->"The Power Pack can also be used to set the desired final volume percentage."

      How is this done? By fixed normalization? What is meant by "Window size" and "Multipy signal by"?

      I agree. Some ballon tips would be helpful in the "DSP Effects" window for each individual setting. Does anyone out there have experience with these setting who can explain their effects?


      • MODatic
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Apr 2002
        • 230

        i think MODatic wrote it
        No I didn't :D

        groebuck, by smart rolling sections, it means that the volume info is broken up into smaller sections which enables the normaliser to tweak the volume on certain sections of the song, whereas the normal normaliser found in DMC, (non-Power Pack) can only adjust the volume for the whole song at once. Understand?

        The Power Pack can also be used to set the desired final volume percentage.
        This is fixed normalisation. This allows you to specify a percentage of the original volume, where the non-Power Pack normaliser gets the current group of files being encoded and adjusts them so they are approx. the same but this does not work for sharp attacks as the basic normaliser does not work in small segments like the Power Pack one.

        Does anyone out there have experience with these setting who can explain their effects?
        Not me, I don't believe in normalising. Sorry!


        • BullMoose

          • Jul 2002
          • 1

          Help system needs work

          You know that the help system needs work when advanced computer users can't figure out what the settings are. What is the difference between simple, adaptive, and fixed normalization? % of maximum what? Max Multiply? Window Size? I would register this product if I could figure out how to use it!


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Did you see this part of the help?

            Start >> Program Files >> dBpowerAMP Music Converter >> Help >> dBpowerAMP Music Converter Help

            Power Pack DSP

