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What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

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  • ScorLibran

    • Jul 2003
    • 6

    What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

    I'm curious as to what other people find to be the most desirable features of any of the dBpowerAMP products, so post your favorites in this thread! (And I hope this is the right board to start this thread on...if not I'm sure a mod can move it.)

    I use many different tools to do all the different things I need done with my extracted audio, and I'll admit I only use dBpowerAMP for some of them (don't hate me, spoon :blush: ), mostly for cross-format conversion and as my "anything player" (the player I use when I don't want to worry about format compatibility...try playing FLAC in WMP9 or MPC in PhatNoise Music Manager...and don't say "foobar2000" to me...I can't figure that thing out, yet :headbang: ).

    I have two favorite dBpowerAMP features that stand out the most, however...

    -1- Cross-format conversion via Explorer right-click pop-up. I have tried quite a few other products trying to find how many can transcode from any format to any other format, and other than dMC, I've found nothing else. I use it for transcoding FLACs from my PC to LAME --alt-preset cbr 128 for my portable player. I set up dMC *once* to use LAME 3.90.3, --alt-preset CBR and set the slider to 128kbps, then all I have to do each time is right-click on a FLAC file, select Convert To, then click the Convert button. After about 2 minutes (including the time it takes to transfer tag info) I've got the MP3 on my Memory Stick, ready to go! I just wash, rinse and repeat for each file (or queue multiples if they're in the same directory). I guess if I could ask for something more, it would be the ability to directly edit the LAME command line, but there is enough flexibility with the selectable options to satisfy my needs (maybe if I could just tweak the lowpass sometimes... :rolleyes: ).

    Anyway, nothing comes close to this feature as far as I know. Try dragging a FLAC file to RazorLame or LAMEDropXP...they just ignore you!

    -2- Mouse-hover audio file info. This sounds menial of me to mention, but I love this feature, and nothing else does it the same way. To find out *anything* I need to about an audio file of almost *any* format without having to open a tag editor, I just hover the mouse over it and dBpowerAMP gives me a pop-up with everything I need to know...tag info, physical file characteristics, etc.

    There are several other things I really like about dBpowerAMP products, but these are the most irreplaceable and unique features for my purposes.

    What are yours?

    [size=0]Edit: Fixed typos.[/size]
    Last edited by ScorLibran; July 31, 2003, 04:46 AM.
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    i think for me it is the EQ. as soon as i start music i go for the EQ features. then end up in MMC using sorting and creating playlists.

    however I don't have a well originized music selection because of all the testing of features which leaves me with music all over the place


    • Paddy
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2003
      • 71

      In Dap the best feature is the enqueue function coupled with the excellent MMC. Makes the whole listening experience a lot better with great control over what you want to listen to :D



      • donny
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Oct 2002
        • 761

        Well, I first started using the dMC because I needed a program to convert some files which wheren't mp3, and I liked it. Then I saw dAP on the site and started using that also. These progs just work perfectly for me.
        I like the MMC a lot, cause I can arrange my files in many diferent ways...
        I like the random playing and the queue also...
        On screen control is also one of my favorites, and in the latest versions the keyboard controls(with ctrl+alt+..)...
        I like the skins


        • Archon
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jul 2003
          • 58

          My favourite part of dap is prev. played window.
          I like most played because you can find your favourite songs right here ,and it's really easy to acsess.


          • Wayne
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Aug 2002
            • 1254

            I think that the best feature of dAP (and dMC) must be the amount and quality of support it receives.

            dAP's ability to play such a large variety of audio formats is also a great feature.



            • daren
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2002
              • 153

              My fave is the modularity of the software making it relatively easy to
              write new codecs and control the conversion from other apps via COM.

              Rock and roll product!



              • Narler
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Apr 2002
                • 74

                I like [COLOR=red]CLOSE[/COLOR] and [COLOR=red]MUTE[/COLOR] :smile2: :smile2:

                Honestly though, I'd have to say the best feature of dap, is [COLOR=BLUE]SPOON[/COLOR].

                He listens to peoples problems and queries with his software and makes any changes where appropriate to accommodate everyone.



                • nregitz

                  • Aug 2002
                  • 4

                  I like the versatility and adaptability of everything. DAP supports many codecs, and if it doesn't, just ask and Spoon will accomadate. It is the most amazing player, with a quality that no other player can touch.

                  I also like the speed that conversions perform at. I haven't used anything that can come close.

                  The community support is great as well. It is great to see the developer actually posting solutions in the forum.

                  The whole package is what makes DAP and dmc head and shoulders above the rest.


                  • Craze
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Oct 2002
                    • 308

                    All of the aforementioned features are fantastic. No doubt about it.
                    But I think my favorite thing about dAP is that I can just start it up with a click of one song from MMC and it will play indefinitely until I stop it. :smile2:



                    • BestRip
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Jun 2002
                      • 182

                      I also would like to agree with all of the above mentioned... And in particular point out the wideness of the product... Spoons fantastic support...
                      About dAP specifically: Random play gave me more access to my music CDs... titles or artists that I didn't select to listen to before, now fairly often just appear... as the treasures they are... and soo much easier to access also... (and I had a Sony 200 CD changer)
                      AND the joy of making skins for it... rates up in the top for me.


                      • Unregistered

                        Re: What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

                        spoon :blush:


                        • ferris209
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Oct 2003
                          • 181

                          Re: What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

                          I figured this was good thread to get back to the top, I love dbpoweramp Player because it is pretty user friendly and I love the fact that Spoon is accesable to help out. The audio input is my favorite thing, its easy and pretty idiot proof at times. I can just rest so easy at night knowing my whole CD collection is on the Computer. The only thing we need now is Dbpoweramp car stereo!


                          • Joseph
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Oct 2002
                            • 211

                            Re: What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

                            I like how dBpowerAMP supports a very wide variety of portable audio players. Almost all of the time Sveta is better than the software that came with the player. I also like how small dAp is. It uses hardly any memory and starts up very quickly when I want to hear a song. :smile2:


                            • Razgo
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 2532

                              Re: What are your favorite dBpowerAMP features?

                              my update on this would be the communication channels between Spoon and us via the forums. this always ensures an up to date dap and best of all most of the features we want eventually get added :D

