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Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

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  • GammaG

    • Dec 2012
    • 8

    Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

    Hello everyone!

    Newbie here with a few questions about dbpoweramp. I was considering purchasing the dbpoweramp ripper/converter, but need to find out a little more about it. I have read some info on it and have the following questions:

    1. I was told by someone that using the dbpoweramp ripper/converter would give me better SQ when using my pc to rip/convert my CD's to my computer. I was told that by using this dbpoweramp program, it would enable me to get better sound from my pc then playing my CD's through my NAD CD player. If my memory is correct, this person said that the dbpoweramp would rip my CD's to my pc where more information would be stored on those music files. He told me that it would improve the audio SQ through a properly set-up pc then my NAD cd player was capable of reading/playing.

    Can someone tell me if this would be correct?

    2. Would there be a noticeable sound difference between using dbpoweramp or say EAC, CDEX, or other rippers/converters?

    I just don't want to waste $38 when other free programs would do the same thing!

    If I am convinced that this dbpoweramp would do the things I had mentioned, Is there a thread to setting this up properly on my pc?

    Here is what I have for my pc audio set-up:

    Windows XP and 7 on separate HDD's
    JRiver Media Center version 17.0.189
    Using a Wire world platinum USB cable to dac
    Peachtree Audio Grand-Pre X1
    2-monoblock tube amplifiers
    Custom design hi-end 2-1/2 way speakers and separate sub-woofer
    NAD CD player
    Straight Wire Crescendo IC's

    Thanks in advanced,

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44777

    Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

    1. dBpoweramp is a secure ripper, that means it can rip and get a 100% correct result and externally verify it is correct.
    2. No, only differences in ability to detect and report errors detected.

    Setting up:



    • GammaG

      • Dec 2012
      • 8

      Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

      Hello Spoon,

      I appreciate your response!

      So basically if I was to use CDEX for ripping my CD's to .wav, would that program detect and report any errors?

      The reason I am asking these questions is that I had received some recordings that were in .aiff and mp4a format. I noticed a much better SQ when playing them through my pc setup. I do know that the actual recording of the music has a great effect of how it sounds versus poorly recorded music!

      I am guessing that the dbpoweramp program does a better job in detecting and reporting errors???

      I have the CDEX program and it's fairly old. I am not sure if they have a recent version that has been upgraded to the same standards as dbpoweramp. Do you believe that if the CDEX is setup with the correct settings that it would do the same job as dbpoweramp's latest version?

      Thanks again for the help!



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44777

        Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

        CDEx does not use AccurateRip, visit to read why it is needed.


        • GammaG

          • Dec 2012
          • 8

          Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

          Would it then be correct to say that perhaps because of the dbpoweramp program being able to perform this accuraterip, would be the reason it would have the better sound versus the CDEX program not having this function.

          I guess I should ask the question as if I was to rip one of my CD's using the CDEX, then rip the same CD using dbpoweramp, would I be able to hear a difference with the use of accuraterip?

          I'm guessing that dbpoweramp has this accuraterip built in to the program?

          Thanks again!



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44777

            Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

            There is no overall sound quality difference between rippers, only the ability to report on errors, and potentially recover from errors.

            dBpoweramp does come with accuraterip yes (and other rippers).


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44777

              Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

              There is no overall sound quality difference between rippers, only the ability to report on errors, and potentially recover from errors.

              dBpoweramp does come with accuraterip yes (and other rippers).


              • GammaG

                • Dec 2012
                • 8

                Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                So in other words, EAC would be as good as dbpoweramp? I am not trying to be cheap, but if both will give me the same good results, why pay the extra $38

                Thanks again!



                • dbfan
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Jan 2011
                  • 937

                  Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                  DBpoweamp use metadata from 5 providers, 2 of them are commercial with high resolution art.

                  Anyhow try eac and try dBpoweramp on the 21 day trial and draw your own conclusions.


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5926

                    Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                    Originally posted by GammaG
                    So in other words, EAC would be as good as dbpoweramp? I am not trying to be cheap, but if both will give me the same good results, why pay the extra $38

                    Thanks again!

                    Dbpa is much easier to use, you get other tools too, and the excellent metadata sources alone are worth the 38.


                    • GammaG

                      • Dec 2012
                      • 8

                      Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                      Hello again! I guess I will purchase the db poweramp program. Can someone tell me where I might find the step by step instructions on setting this up. I wish to rip my cd's to the best possible format for best sound reproduction. Once again, Thanks to all here for your responses!



                      • GammaG

                        • Dec 2012
                        • 8

                        Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                        I purchased the db poweramp program. Downloaded and now installed on my pc. I opened the db poweramp cd ripper and would like to know the best set up here for getting the best results. Could someone help me with the settings? Thanks again!



                        • dbfan
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Jan 2011
                          • 937

                          Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                          Set up link:


                          • GammaG

                            • Dec 2012
                            • 8

                            Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                            Thanks for the set-up link! I was wondering about setting up the Nero m4a codec stuff. I followed the directions here: http://file:///C:/Program%20Files/Il...coder/help.htm

                            I downloaded the first link under this: 1) download the Nero codec Zip package from: and also downloaded the link to the right, and it was a zip file for Nero digital audio. Not sure if I need this file??? Anyhow, I first downloaded this file: m4a Nero AAC Encoder Release 1 928 KB and opened it up and it appeared that db power amp came up with installing it automatically I guess. After this, I unzipped the NeroAACCodec-1.5.1 and followed the directions for that, but was unable to get all of these:

                            encoder, Text Document
                            Nero, Bitmap Image
                            neroAacEnc, Application

                            I just have 3 of them when I am supposed to have all 6??? Not sure what I am doing wrong! This is a little aggravating and somewhat confusing. Can you please help?

                            Thanks again,



                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44777

                              Re: Newbie here with questions on dbpoweramp

                              there are only 3, the Text Document, Bitmap Image and Application are the types of files, not files.

