freedb could go and be replaced by an irritating spam site, is up and running (hint in dMC R11.5 options, change the server from to and it will work), and we are switching to a commercial (and better in our eyes AMG) and will keep freedb (or freedb2) as backup.
really, i dont know what all the fuss is about. i mean its great that we can stick a cd in the drive and it collects all the artist and song titles for us but we already know what that is and with a little effort we can actually type it in those little boxes provided :teufel8:
A few years ago i was talkng to someone about the huge amount of paper work they did in their daily job. After much discussion i was perplexed on how this person did all this without a computer. I stared at this person with a blank look on my face as they pulled a ball point pen out of thier top pocket to show me :D
indeed how many times I typed many things, especially before internet (no not before internet was invented, before I had access )... copy paste was a discovery on pc after a lot of work on a C64