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trying to figure out

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  • Nana

    • Mar 2006
    • 7

    trying to figure out

    Hello to all who read this.....I'm Nana and I'm trying to find out if this is the place for me,you see I have joined because I downloaded dbpowerAmp from a web page that was teaching how to make a code to add music to your web page...that's all I really want to know because no one is answering my request to add a song I like to their I'm out to learn how to change this song into a code myself....but first need to be guided and need that help from those that can direct me if I am in the right place where to start or where to go to start if I am in the wrong place...Please don't ignore this...I don't want to waste my time or your time ...i'm reading and understand a few things but nothing is anywhere near what i'm looking for...I do thank you for your time of day
    ok i'll check back again as I left a message in private messages but now see this is where it should of been posted apoligies for that but I try learning as i've taught myself what ever it is from typing to a bit of animation etc with 1 hand as Amputation doesn't stop me but encourage me to try harder as i'm handi capable ok sorry but "each one reach one each one teach one" isn't a bad motto after all!
    Thank Take Care/Cuidate!
    :o ~Nana
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: trying to figure out

    Ok, what part do you need help with? The coding that goes onto a web page that allows an audio file to be played as one looks at the page? or the creation of the audio file that can be used on a web page in the first place?

    Here are a few basic facts:

    The sound file has got to be very small so it will not slow down the loading of the web page. This means that it's either a midi file or a highly compressed audio file.

    Midi is not an audio file as such, so you cannot just take your favorite song off of a cd and just convert it to midi. Midi is a synthetic sound, so any midi file has been conceived that way from the start. There exist many midi versions of popular music on the net or, if you are musically inclined, you can record your own using a midi keyboard and the proper software for that. Obviously midi is only instrumental.

    If a regular audio file is what you are looking at, then you have to get the audio file onto your computer first by either ripping it from an audio cd or downloading it from some place on the net, or transferring it to your pc from some device.

    No matter how the audio file has made it to your pc, it will be in one of many different audio formats. The uncompressed form of an audio file is a PCM Wave format, 16-bit audio, 2-channel stereo at 44.1KHz. This is equivalent to a track on an audio cd. WAV files are very large, they occupy about 10MB of space for 1 minute of audio. Totally unacceptable and inconceivable for a web page.

    All other formats are compressed to varying degrees.

    The bitrate of the audio file determines how much of a burden it imposes on the visitor of a web page, rather than the total size, provided that the audio file is streamed rather than downloaded outright. For a page background you have to stream unless using a tiny midi file.

    You can compress audio files quite a lot, but the more you compress, the more the audio quality deteriorates. A compromise has to be reached. And, if you cannot have a midi file for that, then the best compressed format is to be found in windows media file (wma) at lowest bitrates such as 20kbps, and reduced to mono rather than stereo.

    For a 1 minute file this will result in a file about 128K. By using pseudo streaming through meta files, the file comes down gradually at its bitrate of 20kbs. For a dial-up connection (usually at 54k) this means it uses less than half the bandwidth available, so it has a good chance of not slowing anything down perceptibly. Bitrates higher than 32kbps will not be adequate for dial-up connections.

    I will stop further explanations until you come back to say more precisely what you are trying to do, because otherwise I can go on and on with this stuff.

    I have a basic tutorial on pseudo-streaming for the web that you can get some information from. The assumption however is that you have some knowledge web design and html to start with so that you can actually make use of that.


    • Nana

      • Mar 2006
      • 7

      Re: trying to figure out

      :D Hi Christina,
      Thank you for the time of day you have given me..this is all new and I am a fast learner as well as have the time to study and learn...
      this is where I started from and got stuck because I could not figure out how to get the settings (codecs)that was asked to use on this dbpowerAmp
      so with that I was asking for guidance and wondering if in the first place I was in the right place as stated below it guided me here to this site.
      and Yes I do understand what you explained but No it is my first time exploring/trying so learning is a blessing as it makes me wiser and stronger in Knowledge..Thanks!

      Make Your Own Music Codes! (is the page created with Easy Designer )

      By: CherBear's PSP Place

      This tutorial is written for AOL and Easy Designer users.

      In this tutorial I will explain the process for making your own music codes which you can use to make a website of your own or just for your personal use. You will need a music converter, such as dBpoweramp. You will also need the codecs to go with the converter.

      After you download the converter and you are ready to convert your music file open your converter find the music you want to convert and select these settings:
      Converting 1 file to REAL AUDIO
      Frequency= 11025Hz
      Audio Format= Stereo Music
      Target Audiences= 28kbps
      Select: SINGLE RATE
      Output to= FOLDER(You can make a new folder on your C Drive called CONVERTED MUSIC to save your files to, this way they will automatically be organized each time you convert a song, it will always go to the same place.)
      Select: PRESERVE ID TAGS

      DO NOT change these settings.
      After you have all these set then click CONVERT.

      If your song doesn't convert on the first try KEEP TRYING, some files don't convert on the first try for some reason.

      After your music is converted you need to change the name of your file.
      Open your CONVERTED MUSIC folder.
      Find the file you just converted.
      Right click on it and select RENAME.
      What I recommend is doing it like this:
      Kenny Chesney-Live Those Songs Again= KC_livethosesongsagain
      This seems to work well but you can do it differently if you prefer.

      After you have your song converted you are ready to upload it to AOL.

      Click KEYWORD.
      Type MY FTP SPACE.
      Select SEE MY FTP SPACE.
      Click UPLOAD.
      Type the name of your file and add .ram at the end- example: KC_livethosesongsagain.ram
      Click CONTINUE.
      Click SELECT FILE.
      Browse through your converted music folder and select your file.
      Click SEND.

      After your music uploads close all of the windows you just opened in AOL.

      The next step is creating the code for the song.
      This is the code for .ram files-

      <font color= "#FFCCFF" size= "2">SONGTITLEHERE<p><p align= "center"><a
      href=""></a><p><p align= "center"><textarea
      style="border style:solid"
      rows= "2" cols= "10"><p align=center><font size=1><span style=background:white><a
      href="><p align=center></a></span><embed align="top"
      width="190" height= "40" type= "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" loop= "</htpdiv" autostart= "true" controls= "all" border= "0">

      The next step is to open Easy Designer and begin a new BLANK page.

      Go to INSERT.
      Select ADVANCED HTML.
      Inside the little box that comes up PASTE THE ABOVE CODE.
      Be sure to fill in where your screen name goes and the name of your file.
      Click OK.
      Click SAVE.

      Of course you can make your page look however you like if you wish to do so.

      Now, in order to get your song to play on a page of your choice do this:

      With your new page open (after you have saved it) Click PREVIEW.
      Copy everything inside the text box.
      Go back to Easy Designer.
      Click OPEN.
      Select the page you want the music to play on.
      Click OK.
      Once your page is open go to INSERT.
      Select ADVANCED HTML.
      Paste your code inside the box by pressing "Ctrl" and "V" at the same time.
      Click OK.
      Drag the HTML box to the bottom of your page and spread it across the length of the page then make it as thin as possible (this centers your player on your page and does not take up much space on your page allowing more room for anything you would like.)
      Click SAVE.

      Congratulations! You just made your own music code!

      If you have any questions please email me at:


      • Nana

        • Mar 2006
        • 7

        Re: trying to figure out

        ok I did email her but no answer and I tried to find the settings but nope it doesn't work and I just figured if joining here I can read more I'll figure it out.
        but again not finding the info I needed :blush: in a nut shell all I was looking for "was to learn to just play one of my own songs" ,it doesn't matter if it's the best sound just that it plays, as I learn more I'll probably get better and would of changed it from time to time as I learn to work it..maybe this is the begining to my learning something new but in fact it is a begining and I'll stay here learning a bit of this and that from reading and asking, kind of like a new baby learning to walk and talk sooner or later I'll be running and shouting.. :D not really but just detailed

        :komisch9:'ve been kind enough to care Thanks !
        just reading to know people do want to learn.!
        :o so what else can you say to encourage me not to give up?
        :smile2: ~Nana~


        • gameplaya15143
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2005
          • 276

          Re: trying to figure out

          <a href="song.ext">click to download song</a>
          its that easy

          dont embed the sound in the webpage... websites with sound playing automatically are nothing but annoying, and they make the page load slower than slug.. especially for those of us on dialup :cry:

          i forget what the evil code is to do it... might be <embed src="song.ext"> .. i dont remember, and only pcm/wav will work. for other formats you would have to use flash or a java applet.. or hope the person viewing the page has a plugin for your media type of choice


          • Nana

            • Mar 2006
            • 7

            Re: trying to figure out

            You Guys Rock...Thank You for the infor and sites to check out..!

            will definetly be doing some reading and learning...Thanks~Nana


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: trying to figure out

              You can use embedded audio - if that's what the page is about. You just have to do it right.

              Don't use the <embed ..> tag, it doesn't work across all browsers. You can use the <object ..> tag, as shown lower.

              Don't convert to real media, instead convert to windows media (wma) as I said before, low bitrate if you want to cater to dial-up users, otherwise 64kbps is quite acceptable while 128kbps is excellent - but will require a high speed connection so it won't sputter.

              Let's say the audio file you have is callde mysong.wma .

              Make a meta file called mysong.wax and have this in it:

              <ASX VERSION="3.0">
              <title>A song of mine</title>

              <Title>[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]My Song's Title[/COLOR]</Title>
              <author>[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]your name[/COLOR]</author>
              <copyright>[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]copyright info[/COLOR]</copyright>
              <abstract>Some information on the song</abstract>
              <REF HREF="[COLOR=red]mysong.wma[/COLOR]" />


              On your web page have this:

              <object id="MediaPlayer" width="301" height="145"
              standby="Loading Windows Media Player components..."
              <param name="filename" value="mysong.wax" />
              <param name="height" value="145" />
              <param name="width" value="301" />
              <param name="autoStart" value="True" />
              <param name="AnimationatStart" value="false" />
              <param name="showdisplay" value="true" />
              <param name="TransparentAtStart" value="true" />
              <param name="ShowControls" value="true" />
              <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="true" />
              <param name="ClickToPlay" value="0" />
              <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />
              <param name="volume" value="100%" />
              <param name="InvokeURLs" value="0" />
              <param name="loop" value="false" />
              The fields in [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]blue[/COLOR] are free text. What's in [COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] is your audio file.

              You can set autostart to 'false' if you don't want the audio to start as soon as the page is loaded - then one has to click the play button in the player.

              Upload the audio file and the meta file to the same folder where you have the web page.

              Place this where you'd want it to show up. There are many parameters, you can experiment with them. What is there will show information on the audio file as taken from the various fields in the meta file.

              For this to work your web server has to support media files (often free hosting does not support it at all or supports only very small files).

              If the problem is the file size, then I'm afraid you can't work around it if you cannto make your file small enough.

              Also the hosting has to support this kind of media file. For Apache servers you may need to define these MIME types by using a file called .htaccess uploaded to the root of your website. This .htaccess file has to contain this (in addition to whatever else may be in it - it's tricky, don't mess it up or you can lock youroself out of your site or disturb its good functioning):

              AddType audio/x-ms-wma wma
              AddType audio/x-ms-wax wax
              Notice the blank line at the top. This is a text file so it must be uplaoded as ASCII. Windows won't let you create a file with such a name that starts with a dot. So call it first htaccess.txt, upload it and then rename it to .htaccess on the server.

              If your server is not Apache, there will be other methods of defining MIME types (you'll have to enquire as I don't know).

              Make a backup of your current .htaccess file - if there is one already there. This is usually a hidden file so you have to enable yoru FTP program to see hidden files - it depends what program you are using. But copy the file first to another name, download it, modify it and then upload the one with those modifications and rename it to .htaccess .

              Hope it helps.

              Good luck.

              You can see how this might work on a page like this: . You will see I have several bitrates available there.
              Last edited by ChristinaS; April 06, 2006, 06:18 AM.


              • ChristinaS
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2004
                • 4097

                Re: trying to figure out

                As far as converting your file to wma you start with downloading and installing dBpowerAMP Music Converter (from the Products tab above). Then you download and install the Windows Media codec from Codec Central tab above. If you have Windows Media player 10 you can install wma 9.1, otherwise you have to stay with wma 9.

                Everything has to be installed to the same folder (keep the one proposed). You must be logged in as administrator to do this.

                It now depends where you original audio file is - if it's on an audio cd, you have to rip the cd first to uncompressed wav and then convert the wav to wma at whatever bitrate you find out you prefer.

                Ripping is done using dMC Audio CD Input - it comes in the package with dBpowerAMP Music Converter. You can rip directly to wma, but I recommend wav followed by conversion, so you will preserve the original in case you need to convert again at different compression rates.

                Conversions alone are done using dBpowerAMP Music Converter.

                Best way is to install everything and start using them. There are help files for all the programs. If you run into problems, post again.
                Last edited by ChristinaS; April 07, 2006, 05:11 AM.


                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: trying to figure out

                  Nana, thanks for singing my guestbook :D


                  • Razgo
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2532

                    Re: trying to figure out

                    Ripping is done using dMC Audio CD Input - it comes in the package with dBpowerAMP Music Converter. Youc an rip directly to wma, but I recommedn wav followed by conversion, so you will preserver the original inc ase you need to convert again at different compression rates.
                    i rip to WMA lossless which is the same as ripping to wav accept a lot smaller file WMA rules :teufel8:


                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: trying to figure out

                      Yes, true, but wma lossless assumes you have WMP 10 I believe or is it the Powerpack that's needed? I forget which.

                      Space savings are about 40% I think for wma lossless, over wav.

                      The thing is with wma lossless you need dCW to burn audio cd's after that, as no other burning program will do it.


                      • Razgo
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2532

                        Re: trying to figure out

                        The thing is with wma lossless you need dCW to burn audio cd's after that, as no other burning program will do it.
                        actually there are several burning software around that will burn wma to cd. i wont post the links here though.


                        • ChristinaS
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2004
                          • 4097

                          Re: trying to figure out

                          Originally posted by Razgo
                          actually there are several burning software around that will burn wma to cd. i wont post the links here though.
                          It's not mainstream, basic Nero for instance won't do it, not the free version one gets when you buy a cd burner, especially from a number of years back. WMP might, indeed burn wma to audio cd.

                          If you enagage in home recording, your files will usually be wav, unless some other proprietory format supported only by the software used.

                          You can't go wrong with basic uncompressed wav - you can start from there and use any other programs with that :D


                          • Nana

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 7

                            Re: trying to figure out

                            :komisch9: I know now that I am finally in the right place!
                            Thank you I feel the Love..I will get to this first thing in the morning.
                            I had a long day but I will put this puzzle together and I appreciate the time of day you both have given me...RAZGO I've yet to stop by and really give your site a good look over but I will and will also sign your guest book as well,
                            I did go over by Christina's site and thought it was great !
                            (will pop in there again too!)
                            see you soon..going to get to this asap..this is great info XOXOX Thanks! ~Nana


                            • Nana

                              • Mar 2006
                              • 7

                              Re: trying to figure out

                              @ one with dBpowerAMP......<.......... :o Sorry I Meant Your Site :D ~Nana

