I am using the DMCSCRIPTINGLib in Visual Basic under windows 2000 Server. The problem I have run into is if for reason when I issue the following instructions, and the file can not be opened then the DMCSCRIPTINGLib actually deletes the file. I am providing the exact code and how to reproduce this issue.
Dim dmc As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter, wavsettings As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.WaveSettings
wavsettings.Set 24000, 1, 16
dmc.VolumeNormalize = True
dmc.PreserveTags = False
dmc.DeleteSourceFiles = False
dmc.ConvertToFolder = False
dmc.AddFromToFiles "C:\myAudio.wav", "C:\myNewAudio"
dmc.GoConversion "Wave", 1, 1, 1, 0
Now place a wav file at this location and in windows explorer highlight it, then issue the above code. You will get an error from the engine stating it can not access the file and then refresh your directory. The file has been deleted.
Randy Poole
Dim dmc As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter, wavsettings As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.WaveSettings
wavsettings.Set 24000, 1, 16
dmc.VolumeNormalize = True
dmc.PreserveTags = False
dmc.DeleteSourceFiles = False
dmc.ConvertToFolder = False
dmc.AddFromToFiles "C:\myAudio.wav", "C:\myNewAudio"
dmc.GoConversion "Wave", 1, 1, 1, 0
Now place a wav file at this location and in windows explorer highlight it, then issue the above code. You will get an error from the engine stating it can not access the file and then refresh your directory. The file has been deleted.
Randy Poole