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Mp3Settings - Encoding values

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  • logrunner

    • Dec 2004
    • 5

    Mp3Settings - Encoding values

    I am writing a script to call DMC to convert files - So far it handles FLAC and Ogg Vorbis (CLI). I have done this by altering the appropriate registry values and this seems to work OK. However, I am having the odd problem with Mp3 (Lame) and specifically with the Encoding values. According to the developer script documentation ( it states the following that:
    Set Mp3 Compression Options [LONG BitRate, LONG Frequency, LONG ChannelMode, LONG VbrMode]:

    Blade does not use VBR
    Call Mp3Settings.Set (160, 44100, 0, 0) ' 160kbps 44.1Khz Stereo CBR

    ChannelMode 0= stereo 1 = mono 2 = dual stereo
    VbrMode 0= CBR 1= VBR (Low Qual) 2= VBR (Med Qual) 3= VBR (high)

    I am finding that when I set the VbrMode value to 3, I am getting an MP3 created which WinAmp tells me is CBR.

    Looking in the registry at key 'DMCMP3LameEncoding' I find that using dBpowerAMP Music Converter and setting the Encoding values as follows:
    CBR gives a registry value of '0',
    AVG gives a registry value of '2' and
    VBR gives a registry value of '1'.

    I am wondering whether the documentation is correct or what could be causing a CBR file to be generated?

    Any Help/thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated :-)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Mp3Settings - Encoding values

    It is likely it is a bug, that section is not used much and updates to codecs might break it. I will note it as a bug (you are best using the registry for now).


    • logrunner

      • Dec 2004
      • 5

      Re: Mp3Settings - Encoding values

      Thanks for the quick response :smile:


      • logrunner

        • Dec 2004
        • 5

        Re: Mp3Settings - Encoding values

        OK - Had a break for a few days but now back on the case with a quick question - If for example I am setting the DMCMp3LameQualityPreset to hex 15 (dec 21) = 'Alt preset Insane' is this enough for DMC to use or do I have to set the other related parameters - I notice for example that the DMCMP3lameBitRate is being altered when I select this preset - to 320 in this case.

        If I have to alter them, is there any documentation as to what settings relate to each preset or do I have to try and work it out from the registry settings :cry:

        Any help here would be much appreciated :smile2:

