Analyzing the code of whipper and audiotools to see how the accurate rip verification works. I have an album where I get this with audiotools:
and the same with whipper. I tinkered a bit with the code and got a list of all results of the album from AR.
I see that there's a result between V2 and V1... Is this another album with the exact same album length and track length? or have as many as 20 people miss ripped the album the same way? How do we know the first one is the correct one?
AccurateRip V1 AccurateRip V2 Track Confidence Offset Checksum Confidence Offset Checksum ─────────────── ────────── ────── ──────── ────────── ────── ──────── track01.001.wav 19 0 AAA89D49 42 0 4D0F1D72 track02.001.wav 19 0 D07C21E1 43 0 F1E2293B track03.001.wav 18 0 44FB6AB1 41 0 FD941F50 track04.001.wav 19 0 BF226862 41 0 6BCBFC0F track05.001.wav 19 0 74C72EED 42 0 BBF9C255 track06.001.wav 19 0 8C3E966A 42 0 7D1FFDE9 track07.001.wav 18 0 65052495 42 0 BFBBC5FE track08.001.wav 18 0 768EB75A 42 0 78514E41 track09.001.wav 18 0 4BB4DFF4 42 0 CD51398D track10.001.wav 16 0 5B3B8E69 43 0 4D76F728 track11.001.wav 17 0 F14B5712 43 0 7B9BD1FC track12.001.wav 17 0 3346A7D6 42 0 C1026354
[[42, '4D0F1D72'], [43, 'F1E2293B'], [41, 'FD941F50'], [41, '6BCBFC0F'], [42, 'BBF9C255'], [42, '7D1FFDE9'], [42, 'BFBBC5FE'], [42, '78514E41'], [42, 'CD51398D'], [43, '4D76F728'], [43, '7B9BD1FC'], [42, 'C1026354']] [[21, '727E2149'], [20, '6CB302E7'], [21, '6A9B0828'], [20, 'C57CE594'], [21, 'DCBAB351'], [21, '4EA811B8'], [21, '10669830'], [21, 'FE7A747C'], [20, '40E49067'], [20, '0AE453F2'], [20, '23EBDA73'], [20, '8DB36146']] [[19, 'AAA89D49'], [19, 'D07C21E1'], [18, '44FB6AB1'], [19, 'BF226862'], [19, '74C72EED'], [19, '8C3E966A'], [18, '65052495'], [18, '768EB75A'], [18, '4BB4DFF4'], [16, '5B3B8E69'], [17, 'F14B5712'], [17, '3346A7D6']] [[7, '54120551'], [7, 'C11C4CD3'], [7, 'F425CC96'], [7, 'C557658A'], [7, '34A0FFDC'], [7, 'E3AC5484'], [7, '1D9E4FDF'], [7, '5F0B7381'], [7, 'BDE7AE0A'], [7, '212AE7E9'], [7, 'FE759A77'], [7, '6FFFC0EE']] [[6, '2383D6B1'], [6, 'A4B259AD'], [6, '72FFE883'], [6, '7933255D'], [6, 'CF484349'], [6, 'FB217DD9'], [6, 'ABBB6BDF'], [6, 'BFCCAD85'], [6, '3EFC7C3C'], [6, 'EFA39656'], [6, '1E6A295B'], [6, 'D12CBB66']] [[5, '5885B11A'], [5, 'E3C99027'], [5, 'E803D96C'], [5, 'E213910F'], [5, '6890D326'], [5, '19926F0E'], [5, '0AA44285'], [5, '1DFF7AD9'], [5, 'C80E5911'], [5, '3B99D177'], [5, '333D674F'], [5, 'B4E2BCED']] [[5, '2BA074B4'], [5, '0C62892D'], [4, 'B74F201C'], [5, 'EA0B8795'], [5, '812FE9C6'], [5, 'BEFC01D8'], [5, 'B4749487'], [5, '12454C8D'], [5, 'B989C9CC'], [5, '13DE43F0'], [5, 'EF26C36B'], [4, 'BCDAD647']] [[3, '7BB5BC50'], [3, '955DC3B5'], [3, '66B406D9'], [3, 'E5D78343'], [3, '14DDDE4B'], [3, '89D92B09'], [3, '0404151B'], [3, 'C4443A1F'], [3, '4B8A0446'], [3, '24982A55'], [3, '5F6D7036'], [3, 'D8D400A9']] [[2, '2C944587'], [2, '2817D6DA'], [2, '73951F3A'], [2, '3786FB3E'], [2, '9E923D3A'], [2, '4DDA85CE'], [2, '8FAE4C79'], [2, 'FA9F0583'], [2, 'D4AD38BF'], [2, '5D1538AF'], [2, 'C58A510B'], [0, '00000000']]