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Using CLI to convert all files in a directory

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  • mauwf

    • Apr 2011
    • 1

    Using CLI to convert all files in a directory

    Hi there, I have a batch file which I want to move all of the AAC files from one directory to another, convert them all to mp3 using coreconverter.exe, move the mp3s to another directory and delete all the aac files.

    The moving, deleting, etc is all simple but I can't work out how to use coreconverter.exe to convert all of the files in the directory. It works fine for an individual file where I use the full filename but I can't work out how to get it to process every aac file in the directory. I tried using *.aac as the input filename and *.mp3 as the output file but I get the error message "unable to open file '*.aac'".

    I assume this has a very simple answer but I'm struggling to find any documentation on dbpoweramp CLI. Many thanks for any suggestions.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Using CLI to convert all files in a directory

    Your batch file would have to have a loop of all the files and pass them to core converter one at a time, if you research .bat files you will find you can loop on the files in a folder.

