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DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

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  • jaklithn

    • Mar 2008
    • 9

    DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

    I bought a version of dBpoweramp 12.4 half a year ago and I have been very happy with it so far.

    I developed a small utility in .Net Framework 3.5 C# that helps me regularly convert audio files in an organized and automated fashion. It worked great.

    Now I upgraded my computer to a Vista 64 .....
    I installed dBpoweramp on this one too and I think I did it the same way.

    The utility immediately crashed on this line of code:
    DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter dMC = new DMCSCRIPTINGLib.ConverterClass();

    Error description (in swedish):
    COMException occurred
    Hämtningen av COM-klassfabriken för komponenten med CLSID {1C2E0932-61B5-4EAB-A832-06EE6564047D} misslyckades på grund av följande fel: 80040154.

    (I hate errors in localized language! This is my approximate translation:
    The Fetching of the COM-classfactory for component with CLSID {....} failed because of the following error: 80040154.)

    1) After a quick look in Google groups I figured it was some kind of COM registration error. I tried to manually register the DLL with regsvr32 but it reported an error that this DLL might not be possible to register with this version of Vista.

    2) I then searched this forum and found some note that R13 probably had better Vista 64 support. I downloaded the R13 demo version and installed over the old version. It didn't change anything!

    3) Now I opened the regular Music converter trying to do it all manually. It started off quite well, but then I became suspicious when it seemed to take an awful lot of time! It reported expected time 2 hours and decreased speed continuosly. On the old computer it took maybe 1 minute for a similar file. After a while this conversion attempt crashed with a strange error report:

    Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'D:\Predikan\Original\File1.mp3' to 'D:\Predikan\Konverterade\File1.mp3'
    Error: Writing Temporary Rendered DSP file, disk full?. [dBCoreConverter::HandleNonLiveDSPs]

    The processor is 3GHz DualCore, RAM 8Gb, drive is two striped RAID 0, 7200 RPM with 400 Gb free space. It should be enough!

    I am really stuck!!!
    Any help very much appreciated!
  • jaklithn

    • Mar 2008
    • 9

    Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

    4) I usually use DSP Trim effect and just to be safe I tried removing it in the manual test conversion. It certainly changed speed that now was acceptable 90 seconds. The file was created fine. But when I tried to listen to it it was dead silent!

    So problem remains. But confusion is increased.

    By the way all my conversions use standard MP3 conversion. Original is WAV or MP3 96 kbit/s and result is always 24 kbit/s (only speech).


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

      Probably related to the error the user was receiving here:

      The problem is that the scripting DLL is 32-bit, not 64-bit, so it can only compile 32-bit code. The fix for this is planned for r14. Try opening up a cmd.exe window from the C:\windows\sysWOW64\ and running your script from there to test if this is indeed the problem.


      • jaklithn

        • Mar 2008
        • 9

        Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

        Thanks for your reply, and sorry for the delay (I just assumed I would receive mail notification ...).

        I can make a try on the scripting in command window but then I need to read the documentation first to understand how my code can be converted to command line approach ..... Too late for that tonight though.

        No solution until R14 is really bad news ....
        I guess R13 was recently released?
        Any time schedule for R14?


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

          dMC r13 was released in June of this year, so somewhat recent, yes. No schedule for r14, no.


          • klasx5

            • May 2010
            • 1

            Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

            Originally posted by LtData
            Probably related to the error the user was receiving here:

            The problem is that the scripting DLL is 32-bit, not 64-bit, so it can only compile 32-bit code. The fix for this is planned for r14. Try opening up a cmd.exe window from the C:\windows\sysWOW64\ and running your script from there to test if this is indeed the problem.
            We have the same problem using scripting when application is deployed on Windows 7 64-bit. However we use 13.4 which explicity states Windows 7 64-bit support. Is that support still not including the scripting DLL?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: DLL Registration problem on Vista 64 ?

              Not yet, I will see if it can be included in R14 (the scritpting code is in an older c++ compiler which is not 64 bit, so would need updating).

