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CLI he aac v2 question

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  • freeform

    • Apr 2008
    • 6

    CLI he aac v2 question


    I'm trying to use dmc to record an hour long he aac v2 archives off of my sound card (std in). I've set up everything according to the documentation and copied the relevant info from my CD ripper profile. Other audio programs are picking up audio from the soundcard w/o issue.

    When I enter in the following command:

    CoreConverter.exe -infile="-" -outfile="d:\foo.mp4" -sourcefreq="44100" -sourcechannels="2" -sourcebits="16" -sourcelength="3600000" -convert_to="m4a Nero (AAC)"  -cli_encoder="D:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .45 -hev2   -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,4,3"
    ...DMC will run for less than a second and produce a 2k file.

    I'm probably missing something really obvious. I've looked all over this forum so my apologies if this has been answered before but is there something different I should be doing to make this happen?

    Any help greatly appreciated...

    If it makes a difference I am using the trial version of DMC Reference. Once I make sure this will actually work I'll buy the full thing.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CLI he aac v2 question

    Try replacing infile with a real .wav file to test the rest of your command line.


    • freeform

      • Apr 2008
      • 6

      Re: CLI he aac v2 question

      Thanks for your reply! If I replace the stdin "-" with a real file ("test.wav") it works perfectly and w/o issue.

      So the question is why does it not like stdin and how do I get it to like it?

      Again: many thanks for your help.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: CLI he aac v2 question

        Have you tried using the stdin (as from the other program) with say Lame.exe?, to make sure it is able to work correctly? std in does work, CD ripper uses it.


        • freeform

          • Apr 2008
          • 6

          Re: CLI he aac v2 question

          stdin works with gui programs like cool edit.

          I downloaded lame and ran it with stdin. It starts fine and appears to be working but I'm not sure how to stop encoding once I've started to produce an mp3. This is what it tells me:

          Assuming raw pcm input file
          LAME 3.97 32bits (
          CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
          Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 16538 Hz - 17071 Hz
          Encoding <stdin> to foo.mp3
          Encoding as 44.1 kHz 128 kbps j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (11x) qval=3

          If you let me know how to gracefully stop lame so it can produce the file, I'll gladly try that.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: CLI he aac v2 question

            It is generally upto the calling program to close the pipe when done and the encoder knows to finish. As another test, you could try something like lame and use its stdout >> dbpoweramp stdin, if it is not working right with lame then there is issues.


            • freeform

              • Apr 2008
              • 6

              Re: CLI he aac v2 question

              Thanks again for your help Spoon. No program is really handling the audio... I just have audio coming in through the soundcard. If I do have a program like winamp generating the sound and I then stop it, lame keeps going and doesnt necessarily stop to generate the mp3.

              I cant figure a way to get lame to go stdout to dmc's line in.

              If you can think of any way for me to test std in, I'll gladly do it. Like I said recording with any other gui app off the soundcard works w/o issue. It appears to be working with Lame but I just can't gracefully stop things to produce the file to find out for sure.

              any help greatly appreciated. thank you for trying to help me figure it out.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: CLI he aac v2 question

                Z:\>lame --decode -t z:\a.mp3 - | "c:\program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp\CoreCo
                nverter.exe" -infile="-" -outfile="z:\c.wav" -sourcefreq="44100" -sourcechannels
                ="2" -sourcebits="16" -sourcelength="3600000" -convert_to="Wave"


                • freeform

                  • Apr 2008
                  • 6

                  Re: CLI he aac v2 question

                  Thanks again spoon. This works without issue. It generates c.wav which plays fine. I get the following output:

                  Writing ID Tags: Done
                  Conversion completed in 30.3 seconds x118 realtime encoding


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: CLI he aac v2 question

                    It points to the problem being with the program which supplies the stdin data for dbpoweramp.


                    • freeform

                      • Apr 2008
                      • 6

                      Re: CLI he aac v2 question

                      hello spoon,

                      I could be misunderstanding something but no program is sending audio to dbpoweramp (maybe this is the problem?). I just have audio coming into the soundcard. Every gui app that handles audio on my machine sees this audio w/o issue.

                      Is there some sort of utility I need to take the sound off my sound card and pass it to dbpoweramp?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: CLI he aac v2 question

                        If your program you cannot pass audio as stdin then it is not possible to do what you want..

