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CLI help with LAME

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  • snappa

    • Feb 2007
    • 17

    CLI help with LAME

    I need to generate MP3s encoded with LAME that have the following characteristics:

    - VBR
    - 192 kbps encoding rate
    - sample rate 44.1 khz
    - Do not ad ID3 tags

    The suggested command line to use is:

    lame --silent --id3v1-only -mj --preset extreme -v -q 2 [WAV input file]

    I translated this into the following API call:

    dMC.Convert(sourceFile, destFile, "mp3 (Lame)",
    "-b 192 -s 44.1 --silent --id3v1-only -mj --preset extreme -V 2 -q 2", "");

    This generates an MP3 with the following attributes:

    Sampling Rate: 44.1 khz
    Sample Size: 16 bit
    Bit Rate: 192 kbps
    Audio Quality: High (Lossy)
    Encoder: Lame 3.97
    Encoder Settings: Constant Bit Rate 192 kbps
    Contains: ID Tag [ID3v2.3 (ANSI)]

    Can someone help with the command line to this method that will generate as VBR with no ID3 tags at 192k?

    Thanks in advance.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: CLI help with LAME

    If I may ask, why do you not want ID3 tags in the file?
    Try the "ID Tag Update" DSP effect, as long as you have the PowerPack or higher, go to the Deletions Tab, and click "Delete All".


    • snappa

      • Feb 2007
      • 17

      Re: CLI help with LAME

      It's a requirement imposed by our content distributor.

      Can you help with the CLI parameters?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: CLI help with LAME

        Preset extreme is now -V 0 (that is a zero), but it is not 192KBpsit never has been, it is around 240Kbps.

