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Make an encoder with multiple extensions, is possible?

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  • Ciro

    • Jul 2007
    • 6

    Make an encoder with multiple extensions, is possible?

    Hello, I'm trying to make a GUI to FAAC in dbpoweramp music converter 12.2, using the CLI encoder R3. And this question appeared because faac encoder have 3 options to output: aac, mp4 and m4a (when the last 2 are selected it wrap the aac into mp4 container automatically).
    I wonder if is possible to make with the same CLI encoder dll outfiles with 3 different extensions.
    The best solution I had until now is this:
    - -o [outfile].mp4
    - -o [outfile].m4a
    - -o [outfile].aac
    But with tests I found 2 problems in this temporary solution:
    1) Always generate a good file and a null file (caused by the extension on the [codec] part, like: test.mp4 with 200 KB and test with 0 B)
    2) If the null file exist and the good file don't exist, when converting (convert and allow to dmc rewrite file), the good file have on the end of name "tmp".
    If the null file don't exist but have the good file, dmc don't ask permition to rewrite and always rewrite the good file.
    I started to make GUIs to CLI encoders about 4~6 month ago (just for fun) and FAAC is the fifth that i'm working. The others four are Helix CVS mp3 (The first i tried to do, but with school classes, just finished few days after Spoon released it, bad luck for me), lame 3.98beta4, gogo-no-coda and a conversion of aacplus v2 that bsiegel made for dmc 11.5 and olders[], to work on dmc12+.

    To avoid i create anoter thread, i'll question this here:
    Can i publish those finished GUI's here? (Maybe only the conversion of AAC+, since dmc have fee to mp3 license)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Make an encoder with multiple extensions, is possible?

    The best way is to have 3 encoders all with the different extensions.

