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  • pjcmme

    • Sep 2003
    • 14


    It has been about two years since I purchased dB PowerAmp CD Writer and I still haven't been able to make it work at all. Everytime I try to burn a CD my system either crashes or freezes. It's more than frustrating!

    I have tried everything, including the suggestions that have been posted by others int his forum. NOTHING WORKS!!
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662


    So you have tried the ASPI version checker here:

    and followed any other suggestions at that site?
    What were your results?

    If your ASPI version is ok have you tried upgrading to the dB CD Writer beta 2 (from here:

    Can you tell us what version of dBpowerAMP Music Converter you have installed and anything (like format, frequency, bitrate, number of channels)about the files you are trying to burn, whether you are trying to burn a standard cd or other type disk (such as an mp3 or wma disk) and the settings you are using for cd writer?

    Can you use Music Converter to convert files or does that freeze up too?

    Perhaps with this information we might be able to help you get this program working.
    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • pjcmme

      • Sep 2003
      • 14


      Yes, I have updated ASPI and downloaded the CD-Writer upgrade. dBpowerAMP Music Converter is the most recent one. I am trying to burn a standard 80 minute cd. About the files, they are mp3. I can use Music Converter to convert files - no problem. As a matter of fact, all other dB PowerAMP apps work fine except CD Writer.

      After having gone trough more then one re-format, I can't seem to locate my order receipt on my backup. I will keep looking.


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662


        If you still have your registered copy of the CD Writer download, can you uninstall and reinstall cd writer?
        Also, can you help pinpoint the point at which the program crashes or freezes? Is it during the conversion process or during the burning process?


        • pjcmme

          • Sep 2003
          • 14


          Yes, I can install and re-install. It crashes right at the point when I press the burn button.


          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

            So you don't see a window pop up that reads "dBpowerAMP CD Writer-Ready to Burn"?

            If you have not already done so, I would recommend that you try the beta version of dBpowerAMP CD Writer 2 available here:

            I think you will find it a more reliable program than CD Writer 1.

            If you are already using this version, or if you try it and it still does not work, or if you are not inclined to try it, then try uninstalling CD Writer (from Contol Panel>Add Delete Programs), remove the CD Writer folder (it will be labelled dCW) from your computer. Run your registry editor (Start>Run type in regedit) to go H_KEY_CURRENT_USER> Software> Illustrate> dBpowerAMP. Open that folder. Remove the Audio CD Write and CDWriter folders from the registry. Exit the registry editor. Restart your computer. Reinstall dBpowerAMP CD Writer.

            The other thing I would would like you to do is to (if going to the beta version has already been done, does not work, or if you are not inclined to try it at this point, and if you have decided not to go with the "deep" uninstall outlined above until you have tried other remedies) is to outline the steps you are using to setup the cd for burning. If you have a cd ready for burning and if you are sure that your initial setup is fine, can you navigate to your TempCreateCD folder and see what you find there? (You find the folder navigating Windows Explorer Start>My Computer>(your hard drive)>Program Files> Illustrate> dBpowerAMP>TempCreateCD). Find the folder that has your cd files. Are they in .wav format? Are they 16 bit, 44100 khz wav files? If they are not, this would suggest a problem in your setup somewhere (perhaps you have been converting other files to non-standard wav, for example).

            In any case, these should give you an idea as to what things you could try. Please keep us posted on what you try and what you find.

            Best wishes,
            Bill Mikkelsen


            • pjcmme

              • Sep 2003
              • 14

              Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

              "So you don't see a window pop up that reads "dBpowerAMP CD Writer-Ready to Burn"?"

              No! No such window appears.

              "If you have not already done so, I would recommend that you try the beta version of dBpowerAMP CD Writer 2 available here:"

              I would if I could. The link page requires the order number. Like I mentioned before, I have been trying to find my receipt among my backup email files, but I can't seem to find it. If you could send me a copy of that receipt, I would be much obliged. Meanwhile, I have done everything you have suggested and nothing changes, except that I get a blue screen instead of a freeze.

              "If you have a cd ready for burning and if you are sure that your initial setup is fine, can you navigate to your TempCreateCD folder and see what you find there?"

              No, I am not able to navigate to that folder when my system freezes.


              • xoas
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2002
                • 2662

                Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

                Do you mean that after you have your files converted to cd format (but before you hit the Burn button) your system freezes and you cannot minimize CD Writer and browse Explorer to your TempCreateCD folder? (This was the procedure I was recommending in my last post since I had thought your freeze/crash occurred when you hit the Burn button).

                But if you are already in system freeze at that point, try converting a few files for burning and try the same procedure to check your TempCreateCD folder and tell me what you find in terms of the characteristics of the wav files you find there. If you freeze with only a few files, after you recover from the crash browse to the TempCreateCD folder and tell me what you find in terms of the characteristics of the wav files you find there. See if any are other than 44.1 khz, 1 or 2 channel, 16 bit. See if you can find any that are corrupt.

                Best wishes,
                Bill Mikkelsen


                • Ayla

                  • Nov 2004
                  • 15

                  Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

                  This actually sounds like a hardware issue and not a software. One way to check and see if it is hardware is to download another burner such as Nero. (Is there a free version of that one?) In any case, there are a lot of free versions of cd writers out there. Go through the same steps but with the new program. If it freezes, it is hardware.

                  If it is hardware, there are two possible things it could be. One is that you system might not have enough RAM to support your burning as well as any other applications or services you have running.

                  Another problem could be your CPU chip. If it is a slower processor chip such as a Pentium 2, then it isn't going to be able to handle a lot of different processes at once. This can cause your systme to freeze up, Blue Screen or just plain old shutdown on you.

                  If you are able to run the program all the way up to the point where you push burn, this tells me it is not a software issue. It is the actual burn process that is causing the freeze. If there are any error messages, please copy them down and post them.

                  Also, go into your system properties and find out how much RAM you have installed, what CPU you have and what its operating speed is. Then post them so that Spoon or someone else can let you know if your system requirements match up.

                  I tried to find some documentation on what the system requirements are for the burn program, and I can't find any.

                  As an aside, Windows ME is pretty unstable as it is. If you absolutely love the look and feel of ME, I'd suggest you install 98 SE (second edition.) This is the closest to ME that you can get while having the stability that 98 offers.


                  • pjcmme

                    • Sep 2003
                    • 14

                    Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

                    Ok, here’s the deal. I have ROXIO EZ CD Creator v.6 installed and I can burn CD’s without a single glitch – no problems whatsoever! Therefore, I do not have a hardware problem. Second, I did everything that XOAS told me to do and even installed the Beta 2 version – it made things even worse. Now, when I try to burn or eject the CD under CDWriter, I get a blue screen crash and I have to restart Windows. This thing is driving me nuts!

                    The only reason why I want to use CDWriter is because it makes it convenient when organizing my audio for burning on CD. Since I already paid for it, I feel that I should at least be able to get my money’s worth.


                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

                      Since you're using WIndows ME it may be necessary to install the portion concering WIndows 98 from - > Don't know if this would help, but it's worth a try.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44809

                        Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME

                        What is your CD writer?


                        • pjcmme

                          • Sep 2003
                          • 14

                          Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME


                          I am using a LITE-ON LTR 52246S CDRW. I also have a standard DVDRW IDE 1008 installed. Both work just fine with ROXIO but not with CDWriter.


                          • pjcmme

                            • Sep 2003
                            • 14

                            Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME


                            I did what you said, but it made no difference. Thanks anyway.



                            • filerofish

                              • Jan 2005
                              • 1

                              Re: CD WRITER CRASHES MY WinME


                              For some strange reason, I was no longer able to log in as pjcmme. Therefore I had to register a second time as filerofish. Since I am assuming that I am never going to get any real solution to this problem, I just wanted to say how disappointed I am that we weren't able to resolve it. I feel ripped off! But hey, that's life. Ta Ta for now


