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Network not expanding in CDWriter

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  • dtw5

    • Jun 2013
    • 16

    Network not expanding in CDWriter

    The Writer source box shows all as normal but the Network will not expand to allow access to my music files in the Vortexbox.
    All other sources expand OK and the last time this was used to create a compilation CD, Network expanded OK.
    Everything is connected as before, the only possible thing that's different is that the IP addresses have changed due to power outages but everything (except CDWriter.exe?) has been rebooted and now connects/plays.

    Is the IP address the problem and if so how can I correct things please?

    Last edited by dtw5; May 29, 2014, 03:09 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

    Map the network share to a drive, then it will work.


    • dtw5

      • Jun 2013
      • 16

      Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

      Thanks. I followed this instruction: Click the 'start menu' of the Windows OS, right click on 'Computer' and choose Map network drive'.
      This opened a dialog box, Drive Z offered, I don't know which to choose; Folder box is blank (I don't know what to put in here), I browsed here for options and it offered 'Network' with my computer (I think), this wouldn't expand (access was denied and it tells me the network is not present or started even though I'm listening to the VB and looking at it with Logitech Media Server on the computer). The dialog box's 'Finish' remained greyed out. (I don't know what I'm doing).

      I should say that as well as the above I'm able to access the Vortexbox from my computer using Explorer, and see all of the music I want to access with CDWriter.

      I appreciate your help but if this is too far away from being a CDWriter issue maybe I should look elsewhere for help and not trouble you. Is the IP address the problem then do you think?

      Thanks again
      Last edited by dtw5; May 29, 2014, 03:49 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44809

        Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

        You would map to a drive letter, such as Z

        once working you can look at your computer and there will be a drive z, it will be the network share. Restart CD writer and it will allow you to select drive z


        • dtw5

          • Jun 2013
          • 16

          Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

          Thanks again. The dialog box requires a Folder box entry to 'ungrey' the 'Finish' and I don't know what to put in here, would this be the name of my Vortexbox or what?

          If all this works why did I never have to do it before? CDWriter worked straight out of the box as far as I can remember. This Mapping exercise has never been carried out by me.
          Last edited by dtw5; May 29, 2014, 04:42 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44809

            Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

            Open Windows Explorer, browse to the Network item, expand it, then right click on the share >> Map Network drive


            • dtw5

              • Jun 2013
              • 16

              Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

              Sorry, I've been away. Via Start I've tried the only two actions I could find with Windows Explorer. 1 took me to Libraries which did not include Network. 2 took me to Recent Items which listed Network, this opened to show everything on the network except the VortexBox i.e. 1 x Computer; 8 x Media Devices (varies) and 1 x Network Infrastructure. No Mapping options are offered anywhere. Right clicks just open Windows Media Player (which I don't use).
              My ignorance isn't helping at all here, I'm going to try to find other ways of opening Windows Explorer which might then provide the option you suggest.
              I say again previously CDWriter worked 'straight out of the box'.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44809

                Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

                Which windows version do you have?


                • dtw5

                  • Jun 2013
                  • 16

                  Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

                  Windows 7. Just to repeat, everything is playing normally etc. (see my post 05-29-2014, 05:47 PM). The Ethernet connections are: VB / Router / Computer.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44809

                    Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

                    if you open a windows file explorer (start >> Computer), select the Network item on the left panel, at the bottom and wait for the share to appear under the Computer heading.


                    • dtw5

                      • Jun 2013
                      • 16

                      Re: Network not expanding in CDWriter

                      Hi Spoon, in spite of not understanding why Mapping the Drive should have suddenly become necessary, in the end I paid someone with more Windows knowledge than I have to have a go at this. As well as his own ideas he tried everything you had suggested but no success. He said Mapping the drive beyond its current state is not possible because the VB (with its internal LMS) is self-contained and cannot be mapped (don't ask me).
                      He suggested the path previously opened by CDWriter has somehow been lost or corrupted, so he searched for a setting that would tell it how to once more open the Network but there doesn't seem to be any. He suggested I reinstall dBp/CDw. If I could remember how to do this I might try.
                      The alternative, which is considerably less grief than going through these various options, is to drag my selections from the VB to my laptop and let CDWriter work from that source. Although irritating this deals with the Mapping issue but adds a few steps to the process.
                      If anyone discovers what has gone wrong, I'd be interested to know. Thanks for your attention so far.

