With the newest version of the software it is taking me 90 minutes to rip something that use to take me 11 minutes. What should I do.
Speed of Ripping
Try ripping to wave (time how long to rip a CD), that will tell me if it is the ripping part or compression that is slower. -
Originally posted by Razgothat is slow. i just ripped to wav an entire album 43:04 in total length and it only took 1:44 to finish ripping.
i'm running AMD Athlon 1.33ghz, but lowered to run at 1ghz.
what is your system?
I am running a gateway 2.19 ghz with 512 ram. Maybe I have something set wrong. Any suggestions?Comment
Originally posted by Razgoyour system is fastand if you got faster ripping speeds before it should still be the same same speed now.
i can't think of anything off hand right now. does using the rip to ram feature in powerapack make any difference?Comment
Make sure the ram amount that is being used is set the Maximum for rip to ram. If still no go then let me know.Comment
Re: Speed of Ripping
This is a result of your Priority being set to high. I had the same problem. One would think setting the priority higher would increase ripping speed, however, when ripping to RAM if the Priority is set to high, then the computer can't access the RAM. The bottom line: If you set your priority to Normal, then the Rip to RAM option will work significantly better.Comment