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CD Writer doesn't install/exist/etc.

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  • sbarsuhn

    • Dec 2010
    • 1

    CD Writer doesn't install/exist/etc.

    I am using Windows XP. I specifically bought dbpower Amp Reference edition 14 so I would have a CD writer. I can't get it to start. It always says that the trial version has expired and I need to register. That is why I bought the Reference Edition! I have uninstalled all db products, downloaded a "registered copy" three times and installed it three times and still nothing works. I have wasted an hour on this thing. I used a registered dbpower amp for years when I worked in a radio station so I thought it was dependable. Now I am out $38 and have zip. Help!!!:(
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: CD Writer doesn't install/exist/etc.

    Uninstall all dbpoweramp programs, then install Reference R14 (registered), check that it is registered when the configuration program shows after installation (it should state: Registered Reference in dBpoweramp Configuration). Once you have this, install CD Writer to the same folder as dBpoweramp.

